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Cron Hasn't Run Since Updating To 3.5.3 From 3.5.1



Hi, system health was fine until last night when i updated my blesta install. I was confused why an order didn't get automatically approved. upon checking system health and then the cron status I discovered it last ran not long before i upgraded (this can't be a coincidence surely).


Any suggestions/solutions?


Note: I was able to run the cron manually.



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Cron was functioning perfectly fine for the past year using:


*/5 * * * * php -q /home/user/public_html/blesta/index.php cron

I've tried your other suggestions to no avail...


Literally the only thing that has changed is that i've updated from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 which is why thats the only connection I'm making especially considering the last run time was so close to the upgrade. any advice on further diagnosing the issue?

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Cron was functioning perfectly fine for the past year using:


*/5 * * * * php -q /home/user/public_html/blesta/index.php cron

I've tried your other suggestions to no avail...


Literally the only thing that has changed is that i've updated from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 which is why thats the only connection I'm making especially considering the last run time was so close to the upgrade. any advice on further diagnosing the issue?


Move to a new provider or control panel, because  I know cPanel needs /usr/local/bin/php but hey.

Even Namecheap say it too: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9453/29/how-to-run-scripts-via-cron-jobs

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you could run these check from SQL querry, this can be done by example at phpmyadmin at your hosting control panel::



Find if there is unfinished cron task (it's a cause for BLOCK cron execution):

SELECT * FROM `log_cron` WHERE `run_id` !=0 AND `end_date` IS NULL ORDER BY `start_date` DESC; 

if there is, delete unfinished task:

DELETE FROM `log_cron` WHERE `run_id` !=0 AND `end_date` IS NULL ORDER BY `start_date` DESC;

and run one the CRON manually from blesta admin inteface, and after that check if cron is running at every 5 mins (check in blesta logs)

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If you haven't already, try enabling error reporting and try running the cron again manually. (Remove the -q option in your command for the manual run)



To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change



Then run:


php /home/user/public_html/blesta/index.php cron


Or, try running it manually under Settings > System > Automation.


You may need to turn your cron off for 5 minutes before running it manually.

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