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Questions About Sslstore/gogetssl Modules And Services



Currently, it looks like our SSL provider (OpenSRS) is not supported by Blesta.  So we are looking into possibly using SSLStore or GoGetSSL, as they are supported by Blesta and apparently have better prices.  But we don't have any experience with either of those providers.


Can anyone provide any feedback/advice on choosing between these services?  Is one better than the other?  Are support issues handled well?  Do the Blesta modules support automated certificate renewal?


Thanks in advance for any input.

5 answers to this question

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Currently, it looks like our SSL provider (OpenSRS) is not supported by Blesta.  So we are looking into possibly using SSLStore or GoGetSSL, as they are supported by Blesta and apparently have better prices.  But we don't have any experience with either of those providers.


Can anyone provide any feedback/advice on choosing between these services?  Is one better than the other?  Are support issues handled well?  Do the Blesta modules support automated certificate renewal?


Thanks in advance for any input.


There's a OpenSRS module made by PauloV not sure if it supports SSL but it's there. I've not had any issues with TheSSLStore or GoGetSSL so it's up to you.

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We are using the OpenSRS module, but so far it only supports domain registration (thanks to PauloV for that, though).  Do the TheSSLStore or GoGetSSL modules support automated cert renewal?

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We are using the OpenSRS module, but so far it only supports domain registration (thanks to PauloV for that, though).  Do the TheSSLStore or GoGetSSL modules support automated cert renewal?


Never had someone re-new an SSL yet.

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We recommend setting your packages for SSL to "cancel at end of term", and they can reorder if they want to renew the certificate. As they have to provide information in order to renew, auto renew could be problematic. Mention Blesta if you sign up with either GoGetSSL or TheSSLStore and they may be able to offer better pricing.

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All the SSL/TLS certificates  of The SSL Store™, are bought in bulk in extremely large quantities, which makes it easier to provide big discounts to clients. Apart from that, The SSL Store™ offers 24x7 Tech support for all the clients. So, feel free to go with The SSL Store™.


Regarding the question you have for cPanel, I would like to share one blog post which will clear all your doubts. 



and for queries you got for Blesta, here's the answer for that, they itself suggest the module of The SSL Store™, so I can bet on it you won't regret your decision on choosing The SSL Store Module. Here's the link: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1636-module-thesslstore/

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