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Additional Ip's - Ipv6 Bug

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We support both IPv4 and IPv6 on our services. Each client is assigned one /64 of IPv6, and one IPv4 address by default.


The issue comes into play when a client wants an additional IPv4 address. We add it through the configurable options, and everything goes well, until it is provisioned.


Instead of provisioning a new IPv4 address, Blesta counts the IPv6 space! This results in the client getting one less IPv4 address than what they paid for. (See the screenshot as an example)


Anyone else having this issue?



Blesta only tells SolusVM to add a number of IP address. Blesta makes no distinction on whether the extra IP addresses are to be IPv4 or IPv6. This is left to SolusVM.


Whether we can tell SolusVM to create an IPv4 or IPv6 address comes down to the behavior of their Add IP API method. Based on that documentation, there is an "ipv4addr" field that can be set. If that field can be used to indicate that an IPv4 address is desired, then we can add a setting in Blesta, when adding an extra IP, to choose IPv4/IPv6. However, if that field requires a specific IPv4 address to be entered, as the documentation appears to imply, then there may not be anything we can do. I am not aware of any API method to retrieve a list of available IPv4 addresses from SolusVM from which we can then choose one and add it to a service when adding an extra IP address.

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