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.ca Domain Not Getting Added





I am trying to add / register a new .ca domain via blesta and I am using Resellerclub but its not working. Its giving the following error:



Required parameter missing: reg-contact-id



How to fix ???


Please check the attached screenshot.





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.ca domains must match CIRA requirements.


Here they are : 


Province must be 2 letters : QC, MB, ON, etc...


Postal code cannot have a space, eg. : H0H0H0


You cannot use accents (é,à,ù, etc.. anywhere)  Even if the customer name have an accent, do not use it, cause it will never work :)  No dashes, no special characters should be used in the different fields.


If a business name is entered, then the customer must choose the "Corporate" contract type.  This will only work if the business is a .inc or .enr. under the same name in the business registry.


If the business is under an individual name - if it is NOT a .enr or .inc then the customer must choose "Canadian Citizen" or "Permanent Resident" (but who cares?  :P )


Hope that help :)


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