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Strange,  a non-registered customer, update his support ticket, but he receive an email "Support Request Failed" with content :


Our system received your email, but was unable to process it for one of the following reasons..

1. The email address you sent the message from does not belong to any of our clients and this department only allows existing clients to open tickets.

2. You replied to a ticket notice, and we are unable to determine what ticket number you are responding to.

3. The department you emailed no longer exists.Thank you,



But the support ticket update is well updated/imported at blesta with the last customer answer.


And when we try to reproduce the "bug"  using sending an email non-registered customer/adresse to our "contact" blesta support, all is fine, we can not re-create above case we always have every-time with this particular non-registered customer when he update his ticket.


So any idea?



We have our own mail-server on an other server than Blesta, we use IMAP & SMTP, until now we never had issue

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thxs for idea licensecart,


here is email template subjetc:



mydomain.com - {ticket.department_name} - Updated ticket [{ticket_hash_code}]



Sorry I do not understand what you mean by "hash bit", is it about this ending part to remove ?:



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thxs for idea licensecart,


here is email template subjetc:



mydomain.com - {ticket.department_name} - Updated ticket [{ticket_hash_code}]



Sorry I do not understand what you mean by "hash bit", is it about this ending part to remove ?:




Yep looks like you have it, so not sure then mate. You need that hash and it connects the ticket reply to the ticket.

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ok, so, this parameter you said is ok/present.


Really strange, I only have this issue with a given non-registered customer,


could that can come from his email?


but it's a corporate email address

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ok, so, this parameter you said is ok/present.


Really strange, I only have this issue with a given non-registered customer,


could that can come from his email?


but it's a corporate email address

Could be if he opened it in sales@blesta for example if he replied to it on paul@blesta it won't accept it.

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I have feeling it's related to what licensecart was saying in last.


But, I was not able to reproduce issue when testing.



My email template for "ticket updated" is using:


From Email: support@my-domain.com




and when ticket was created, customer did send email to contact@my-domain.com (the group "contact" at blesta support )


so maybe customer replied/updated ticket by reply to the "from Email" in place of using the "Reply to"


the "Reply to" always match to the email for the appropriate blesta group (here "contact"), and should be automatically used by email client software, but maybe customer did manually somethings strange by copy paste email to reply by taking the "From email"



So, just in case, in each of my blesta group for support, I ticked:


"Override the from address set in email templates with the email address set for this department"



A such way, customer casn not find a "wrong" email address within the email, even if I'm not certain the issue is really from that, at least it's should not introduce something wrong to use above ticked option.

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It's possible the customer could have changed the ticket hash/code in the subject line before they sent the email. In that case they would have received the bounce response. If they corrected it and sent the email again, then the system would have added the ticket reply to the system.


If this customer gets the bounce email each time they reply to an email, you may want to check your mail server records for the emails being received and check the headers for the from/to addresses, subject line, etc., to see if you're receiving multiple emails at about the same time, whether the addresses are incorrect, or the subject differs from what is expected.

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Great info thanks!


Now, I believe it's was just from customer that made change/alteration, as none other customers are concerned, and nothing special at checking postfix mail server logs.

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