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I'm not sure how this would be a bug with Blesta, but could you elaborate with more details as described in How to Report a Bug if you think it is a bug? I'd like to know what error you are seeing.


Class names in Blesta should be CamelCase while file names are undescored. If you named your class "SV", then it should reside in a file named "s_v.php".


In any case, "SV" is not very descriptive for a name. You might consider renaming it to something more meaningful.




I'm trying to create a module but for some reason i can't use the name "sv" return me to "s_v".


I'm not sure is a bug or not but i can't use that word  :(


the clash should be named "Sv"  and not "sv" . as blesta use the CamelCase .


Its just a example whatever the name i put there always create "s_v"


I create module name SVwhateverhere file name svwhateverhere.php or name whateverheresv file name whateverheresv.php when try to install give me this path


admin/settings/company/modules/install/s_vwhateverhere/ or admin/settings/company/modules/install/whateverheres_v/ of course fail because the path is wrong


My class:

class SVwhateverhere extends Module {
public function __construct() {
// Load components required by this module
Loader::loadComponents($this, array("Input"));

// Load the language required by this module
Language::loadLang("svwhateverhere", null, dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "language" . DS);

Configure::load("svwhateverhere", dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "config" . DS);

You can move this post to Developer Corner if you want.


I fix the issue for doing naja7host.


Now i have two problems


1. In the package browser not show the module name is show blank

2. In the order summary when i do "continue" to select method payment is come back to the order form as buying again and not pay if i do the process again only keep adding the item in the cart.


You can move this post to Developer Corner if you want.


I fix the issue for doing naja7host.


Now i have two problems


1. In the package browser not show the module name is show blank

2. In the order summary when i do "continue" to select method payment is come back to the order form as buying again and not pay if i do the process again only keep adding the item in the cart.


Moved to the developer area for you :blesta::)


You can move this post to Developer Corner if you want.


I fix the issue for doing naja7host.


Now i have two problems


1. In the package browser not show the module name is show blank

2. In the order summary when i do "continue" to select method payment is come back to the order form as buying again and not pay if i do the process again only keep adding the item in the cart.


If you are seeing a blank page when browsing available modules, there is likely an error. Enable error reporting in your /config/blesta.php config file. Set Configure::error_reporting(-1);


If you are seeing a blank page when browsing available modules, there is likely an error. Enable error reporting in your /config/blesta.php config file. Set Configure::error_reporting(-1);


I mean this




Here the editing package




In the first imagen not show the name "SVmodule" next to Domain Registration (.net)


thier it show the module name . check if the module name is wll displayed under the modules in the company settings (place where you install plugins) .


i suppose that the langueg file is not well loaded .


Ok i fix the issue and now other I hope is the last.


Still in the order page for some reason no show the domain (label, again blank) how could solve? I think i'm limit i don't think i can't solve this :(



Here is fine. Result as expected




Final Order (sv - domainblankhere (Jul 22, 2015 - Jul 22, 2016) )




Service (label domainblankhere)




Invoice PDF (sv - domainblankhere (Jul 22, 2015 - Jul 22, 2016) )





Help :'(


Are you using a config file (i.e. "config.json") or are you defining all the required methods in the module?


The config.json file supports a key/value pair for "service", e.g.

    "service": {
        "name_key": "domain"

In my example, "domain" is the name of the service field your module saves for the service representing the domain name. Set that and the domain name should appear on the service line item.

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