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The fact that the password is masked here gets very annoying, especially when combined with the fact that Blesta will only call the module for a password change if the password doesn't match the old one in Blesta (something else that should probably be changed). No real benefit to masking it considering the typical usage of a billing platform like this.


We've had a password generator on our radar for a while (CORE-552), but more demanding tasks have been taking precedence over it. Ideally, a generator will exist that lets you configure the characters for the password, and optionally lets you view the password before saving it.


We've had a password generator on our radar for a while (CORE-552), but more demanding tasks have been taking precedence over it. Ideally, a generator will exist that lets you configure the characters for the password, and optionally lets you view the password before saving it.


I think a very basic generator (no modal) that puts it into the field as plain text would be no worse, honestly.


Nobody's going to be using this from a public library with people looking over their shoulder, it's not a public sign in page, masking the password really isn't necessary IMO.


WHMCS doesn't even have a generator for this like it does for client passwords - it just shows plain text.


Doesn't hurt that it's an easy change.


In the past, we have received numerous complaints about plain-text password fields. While I would normally agree a password field is not really necessary in the back-end of the system for something like you described as it can be just as easy to look at someone type on their keyboard to determine their password, many seem to disagree, needing the password to be a password field.


In the past, we have received numerous complaints about plain-text password fields. While I would normally agree a password field is not really necessary in the back-end of the system for something like you described as it can be just as easy to look at someone type on their keyboard to determine their password, many seem to disagree, needing the password to be a password field.


How about just hide the box and have a button to show it, or mask by default with a button to unmask it?


Honestly - even if I had a generator, modal, etc - I would still want to be able to see the old password in some cases. An option to show the field plus a generator gives me that and removes the extra work of doing a modal which I'm sure would be the most time consuming part of this.


<script src=\"SCRIPTPATH\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(\"#cpanel_password\").after(\" <button id=\\\"cpanel_unmask\\\" onclick=\\\"return(false);\\\">Toggle Visibility</button>\");

In components/modules/cpanel/cpanels.php in the getAdminEditFields function, starting on 5th line.


SCRIPTPATH points to a copy of this - aduth.github.io/jquery.passwordMask/js/jquery.passwordMask.min.js

  • 3 months later...

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