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Is a coupon supposed to apply to a set up fee?




service is $49

set up fee is $120


User enters coupon for $100, but system only applies a $49 discount.


Is there a way to apply the discount to the set up fee?


3 answers to this question

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Currently, I don't think the coupon applies to a setup fee unless it is for a queued upgrade. There are changes to pricing that need to be updated system-wide before a coupon would apply to setup fees.


You could update the invoice and change the discount line item amount to reflect the full discount, but I'm not aware of an easy work-around to get this to occur automatically.

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What are the "changes to pricing"  that need to be made?  Are you referring to code changes in the product?


I am not sure I understand the business logic behind not including all fees on an invoice in the price before applying a discount.  Or at the very least make it configurable.


I checked through the open issues and did not find anything specifically addressing coupons and setup fees.  Are there plans to address this?


I guess what this comes down to is we have to change our business model to fit Blesta software as opposed to Blesta handling our business model.


Any suggestions on potential a work-around is appreciated.



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A task hasn't been created to address the coupon/setup fee issue specifically. The new pricing structure I was referring to is back-end logic for handling all pricing (package, discounts, taxes) calculations, which is not yet fully integrated into all other areas of the system where pricing is determined. An epic exists for that integration in CORE-1684.

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