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why not every developper put a list of plugins/modules developped, that way other can see a lot of modules available .


I think this will be easier once the marketplace is available, where developers can list each of them for download.


and what about the custom works ?


i know there are a lot of module/plugins already done by devs but is not available for other clients .


i have some that will be or other maybe for free and some PAID , but not now .


when i client hire me to develop a module/plugin and tell me that the work should not be selled to others, i never never accept . i accept only if the client accept my two conditions


1 - i have the right to sell the work (module/plugin) to others after X mounth from finishing the work .

2 - i have the right to publish the work freely after X mounth from finishing the work .


for my vision, the client pay for the service and not for my CODE . i can conserve the work in the background and releasing it only if a i found/feel that work is for a MADE-HOUSE custom solution .


so be happy , ihave some modules/plugins will be for the community in some next mounths :)


I completely Agree with you @Naja7host , some of us create modules but never wan't to share worrying of a competitor getting an advantage.


We do need more premium modules/plugins for Blesta, Sometimes developing modules is too expensive if you need a lof of modules like i do, but having a place to buy modules will be cheaper for me as the client and will be much profitable for the developer I believe. and will surely remove this 




when i client hire me to develop a module/plugin and tell me that the work should not be selled to others, i never never accept . i accept only if the client accept my two conditions

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