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Sorry for opening a new topic on this issue, but the one in "bugs" section seems to be locked.


I've actually change templates to templateskvm in solusvm.php (below)


// Return the templates
if ($response && $response->status == "success") {
// Fetch the templates
$templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templateskvm);
$formatted_templates = array();
foreach ($templates as $template) {
// Skip the none template
if ($template == "--none--") {
so templates work for KVM but OpenVZ now have that problem, templates not showing.
Is there any way to rectify this issue for both KVM and OpenVZ? (plus Xen too of course) 

6 answers to this question

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Try using this:

$templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templateskvm);
$templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templates);
$formatted_templates = array();
foreach ($templates as $template) {
// Skip the none template
if ($template == "--none--") {

I'm not a coder myself I can do basics but I think that might run both templates arrays together.

  • 0

Nope, don't work :(


$templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templates); 


this line blocked out $templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templateskvm);.


I figure the issue lies in either order form or packages section but no idea what to look for

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would array_merge not mix OpenVZ/KVM/Xen templates? if not, may I know how the code should go? sorry not good at coding, thanks.



May I know which file from Blesta 3.4 can be used to fix this issue?

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