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5 answers to this question

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It looks like this:

{% for option in service.options %}
{option.option_label}: {option.option_value} @ {option.option_pricing_price | numberformat 2, ".", ","} {option.option_pricing_period}
{% endfor %}

We used that for example for our SolusVM until we got a module:


Unlimited Slaves: 1 @ $20.00 month


If you are using the package section and not the services section you wan to use for option in package.options


More information: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/293/can-i-show-config-options-in-the-welcome-emails/1/

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It's within the package and it would be to provide a product key on activation.


I think you mis-understood me...


On the Universal Module there's two sections...


- Top -> Package options

- Bottom -> Service options



Top use: 

{% for option in package.options %}

Bottom use:

{% for option in service.options %}

I always recommend the bottom one (Service) because that's what I'm used to :).

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not having much luck with this.


I just need the value to show up as everything else is put in to the table.


If I was to send someone a copy of my email template would someone be willing to go over it for me please.

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If you are able to test the email template by having it sent to yourself, you can use the {% debug %} tag in the template to list all the fields you can use as tags. Make sure the email doesn't get sent to anyone else other than you though, as it can contain sensitive information.

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