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a user from cmommunity has a error in the addservice fucntion from the cron .

from the admin side the service is well added . but when i run cron i get this errors messages

The pending service #5 from client #1500 could not be made active.

The pending service #7 from client #1500 could not be made active.

so the task is defferent from crn and from admin side .

this is relative to my proxmoxv2 module .


The cron adds the service from a pending state. If you haven't already, you could create a pending service in Blesta manually, then activate the pending service from the admin interface to see if you encounter the same issue.


If you think it is related to your module, you can check your module's addService method to see how it is validating fields, and compare that with the $vars it should receive.


If your module uses config options, you may want to try with and without config options of the quantity type, as there is a known issue with quantity-based config options described in CORE-1715 that may result in a service failing to be added.


the service in the pending status , i can add it from the admin side when it in pending status, but from cron is not added .

how i can get more detail log info to se what is causing the problem .


Is your staff user subscribed to the "Service Creation" email subscription notice under [My Info] -> [Notices]? If so, the system will send you an email using the "Creation Error" email template, which lists each error, when the cron fails to update the service.

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