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Blesta Offline Payment And Username Issue



Hi ive got blesta trial licence to work into future by blesta but i have some problems to need help.

I.e. when i want to make a payment by offline methot its goes to review screen and only appears edit payment there are no any submit payment button.


And when customer wants to change infos about his it says user name is already taken even the field is not editable.


So is there any way to get a bank transfer module(eft) and also need manual domain sales reason for in the web design packages to add invoice domain like a hosting service






5 answers to this question

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I think there is no payment button for offline payment, because it's by design, if the payment is offline, what the payment button will server and to communicate with what system?  there is no gateway to communicate with, as it's offline payment.


in the template, you could add intrustruction, that is displayed only for this payment method like:

   pay to bank account xxxxx with this number (order number) as message


and when merchant receive offline payment, he has to do manual action to pass invoice as paid and can add bank reference for tracability

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Hi ive got blesta trial licence to work into future by blesta but i have some problems to need help.

I.e. when i want to make a payment by offline methot its goes to review screen and only appears edit payment there are no any submit payment button.


And when customer wants to change infos about his it says user name is already taken even the field is not editable.


So is there any way to get a bank transfer module(eft) and also need manual domain sales reason for in the web design packages to add invoice domain like a hosting service




Offline payments work at that way,you can use it for bank transfers ,add bank transfer info....

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As serge mentioned, you should include an instruction message for the Offline Payment gateway, such as an address to send money to. You can do this under [settings] -> [Payment Gateways] -> (click Manage for the Offline Payment gateway).


The issue you are having with updating a client because "that username has already taken" is a bug that is fixed for the next release of Blesta (v3.5). However, the issue does not prevent clients from updating their information. You are an admin that is also logged in as a client, which is why you experience this issue. If you logout as an admin, and login directly as a client, then you will not experience this problem, so your clients will not either. A description of this issue is available from its assigned task in CORE-1699.

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not certain to understand well your question,


you have to create service/package, and maybe see the universal module for that, and I would recommend you to see tutorial from our friend licensecart.


and once all the setup is ok, it's mean your customer can order, and if it's offline payment, once you get fund, you pass manually invoice as paid, and then Blesta will be automatically do the provisionning/service/product activation.

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