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Is there a guide for setting up addon ip's for virtualizor. On the wiki they have on their site 

doesn't show the add on procedure.


I can't get it to work do you need to name the ip field something special?

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Its weird because on there forms they told me to come here lol


Haha, I would send them a ticket, as it's made by them the guys won't know much about it like me, do they support configuration options?

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I tryed Virtualizator  when module was released and it worked perfect for me on two server ,I try it at bare metal dedicated server for few days  and after few days I build one test node  on the top of KVM(well with few VPS created only) and it worked nicely.I think there is still my review availble on this forum(topic about virtualizator module) and there is also few screen shots posted there.

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I tryed Virtualizator  when module was released and it worked perfect for me on two server ,I try it at bare metal dedicated server for few days  and after few days I build one test node  on the top of KVM(well with few VPS created only) and it worked nicely.


did you try their IP addon thing to add a dedicated IP?

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did you try their IP addon thing to add a dedicated IP?

Well as I remeber  I didn't install any addons ,I had only 5 dedicated IP availabe since I test it on my own test server at home(I have two older xeon duall core servers for testing here at home) and here IPv4's are very expensive .I just add my IPs in IP pool and leter you can set manualy IP or they can be alocated by sistem.I must say I didn't use virtualizator in production,I install it just to try blesta module.

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The OP here is talking about trying to offer IPs so customers can use the module to add IP's to their VPS.


On SolusVM you have the configurable options so you can add / remove IPs.

Yes I know what he ask but I didn't use it in production just basic check,and yes you can add/remove IPs in Virtualizator also ,first need to add IPs in pool

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Is there a guide for setting up addon ip's for virtualizor. On the wiki they have on their site 

doesn't show the add on procedure.


I can't get it to work do you need to name the ip field something special?

I will use their demo server and make few screen shots for you,I will put it here for few minutes

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Well seems you have two option for IPs ,first is to set number of IPs when creating plan and second is to leave empty and specify number of IPs when creating VPS which is fine when it comes ordering VPS.Seems problem is offering IPs as service upgrade, there is no option for creating plan with IP only or creating addons and I don't see option to upgrade VPS plan at all from end user panel , which mean,if ther is no some addon for virtualizator  you will have to resolve IP orders manualy.Maybe their demo server is restricted but I think it is not and it is probably reason why you didn't succeed to resolve this.You can use Blesta universal module for offering IPs and after procesing order you will need to add IPs manualy through Admin section in Virtualizator.

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Would you suggest SolusVM over Virtualizer because I want users to be able to add ips in the order form. Be able to upgrade downgrade accounts

Blesta make and maintain the SolusVM module, so it will always get get better.

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