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Integrating Plugins And Such To Client Dashboard?



So, this is mostly my fault for not getting into touch with @LicenseCart for the theme integration I had them do for us.


So far, I've managed to fix the KB search fields issue, added Return to Staff portal link to the client dashboard... the only stuff I need to work on is the client dashboard itself.


Right now I need to work on integrating the Services section, Invoices and Transactions sections that you'd normally see in the Bootstrap theme.


How would one do this? I'm looking at the CSS/source of the output of structure.pdt for both and I'm not... well, understanding how this works.


From what I see of the differences between the LC-made theme and the bootstrap themes, this seems to be mostly CSS-issues. That is, it seems that if I want to import these things, I simply only need to call the specific CSS files for say, InterWorx, Namecheap and the like, correct?


I'm not a designer so I'm just glad most of the work was done for me... now it's just adding the relevant stuff into the client dashboard.


Oh, and fixing the positioning of the client's name. I'll have that figured out sooner or later, I'm sure.


Huh, looks like I fixed more than one issue by removing my custom theme's login stuff with the fillable boxes... I'm glad I hit upon that solution.


Sidenote: How does one insert the Return to Staff portal link in the client dashboard? Is that in the structure.pdt? Or... what?

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Sidenote: How does one insert the Return to Staff portal link in the client dashboard? Is that in the structure.pdt? Or... what?

<?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($staff_as_client)) { ?>
	<span class="label label-info pull-right"><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->admin_uri . "clients/logoutasclient/");?>"><span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span> <?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.staff_as_client_note");?></a></span>
<?php } ?>

Re: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/

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<?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($staff_as_client)) { ?>
	<span class="label label-info pull-right"><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->admin_uri . "clients/logoutasclient/");?>"><span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span> <?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.staff_as_client_note");?></a></span>
<?php } ?>

Re: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/



That's already in my structure.pdt. This was the guide you pointed me to and it handily helped me resolve the other issues I mentioned here. :)


Oh... a refresh showed that this was already taken care of and that I hadn't refreshed after I uploaded a fresh copy. Hurpadurp... I shoulda CTRL+F5'd.


Still working on integrating the other stuff I need integrated. I think that's basically it.


Also, I just noticed there isn't a register/log-in button/area in the order form. How does one include this in the order form?

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That's already in my structure.pdt. This was the guide you pointed me to and it handily helped me resolve the other issues I mentioned here. :)


Oh... a refresh showed that this was already taken care of and that I hadn't refreshed after I uploaded a fresh copy. Hurpadurp... I shoulda CTRL+F5'd.


Still working on integrating the other stuff I need integrated. I think that's basically it.


Also, I just noticed there isn't a register/log-in button/area in the order form. How does one include this in the order form?


In the structure mate, I think you have to add it manually (on the guide I have a login and log out section) unless you mean on the portal, you can edit that portal plugin for that. 

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In the structure mate, I think you have to add it manually (on the guide I have a login and log out section) unless you mean on the portal, you can edit that portal plugin for that. 


I mean the login/register button that you normally get when you go through the ordering of a specific product in Blesta.


You know, the one where it asks you to register and/or log-in to your existing account if you have one? It works fine in the Bootstrap client template but not in the EidolonHost template.


I'm thinking I need to use Github to view the differences... I find it's much more easier that way, for me personally...


But I digress. Basically though, this is all CSS, no? And well, some obviously Blesta-specific code to enable stuff like you want to?

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I mean the login/register button that you normally get when you go through the ordering of a specific product in Blesta.


You know, the one where it asks you to register and/or log-in to your existing account if you have one? It works fine in the Bootstrap client template but not in the EidolonHost template.


I'm thinking I need to use Github to view the differences... I find it's much more easier that way, for me personally...


But I digress. Basically though, this is all CSS, no? And well, some obviously Blesta-specific code to enable stuff like you want to?


It's the javascript then :) try moving the JS for Blesta and your integration around. 

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It's the javascript then :) try moving the JS for Blesta and your integration around. 


Balls, so it was! Dropping in the JS at the head as suggested in your tutorial article fixed it.


One more issue. It seems the drop-downs for the menus in the client dashboard isn't quite working as it should. The v carets are present but do not work when pressed. Also, need to move the client's name somewhat to the left along the nav-bar in the dashboard... as well as matching the color of those bars to the nav bars. I'll post a screenshot shortly and this can be easily seen.


I'll figure it out soon enough.


But boy, I made quick progress. I'll have to make sure to diff the differences between each new theme update and update accordingly...


Edit: I attached the image... seems it didn't take. Uploaded to our server.


Here it is: screenie.png

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It might be something to do with the bootstrap JS, or the css mixing with the top. I would recommend you to change the menu at the top when a client is logged in. So you don't need to worry about that.

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It might be something to do with the bootstrap JS, or the css mixing with the top. I would recommend you to change the menu at the top when a client is logged in. So you don't need to worry about that.


What do you mean by that? Specifically, the recommendation you're making. I'm not sure if you mean to move the Test client portion bit as you can see in the screenshot to the top, as in the bar where the logo and the services are?

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What do you mean by that? Specifically, the recommendation you're making. I'm not sure if you mean to move the Test client portion bit as you can see in the screenshot to the top, as in the bar where the logo and the services are?


If client is logged in:


Show Blesta menu (log out, dashboard, support tickets, etc)



show your menu (home, about us, services, etc)


You can see the if statement on the tutorial :) and see it in action on LC.

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If client is logged in:


Show Blesta menu (log out, dashboard, support tickets, etc)



show your menu (home, about us, services, etc)


You can see the if statement on the tutorial :) and see it in action on LC.


Oooh. You mean the other portions of your tutorial.


Gotcha. I will be messing with this, yes. I plan on doing that when I head back home for the night and work on the dev server hosted there.

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I've made it all work... except for that last suggestion you made, LicenseCart.


I just can't seem to make it work no matter what I try.


Also, I figured out how to change the blue bar colorings. Those're controlled by


.panel-blesta > .panel-heading {
        color: #fff;
        border-bottom: none;

        background: #0075b2;
        background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#6fb1d4), to(#0075b2));
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -ms-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -o-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        -pie-background: linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        position: relative;
        behavior: url(../javascript/PIE.htc);


However... I can't seem to make the changes take. I see it take in the browser when I modify it using dev tools... but making it take in the CSS... it doesn't seem to be taking and seems to be overridden somewhere else.


Paul, any ideas? :(

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I've made it all work... except for that last suggestion you made, LicenseCart.


I just can't seem to make it work no matter what I try.


Also, I figured out how to change the blue bar colorings. Those're controlled by

.panel-blesta > .panel-heading {
        color: #fff;
        border-bottom: none;

        background: #0075b2;
        background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#6fb1d4), to(#0075b2));
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -ms-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: -o-linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        background: linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        -pie-background: linear-gradient(#6fb1d4, #0075b2);
        position: relative;
        behavior: url(../javascript/PIE.htc);

However... I can't seem to make the changes take. I see it take in the browser when I modify it using dev tools... but making it take in the CSS... it doesn't seem to be taking and seems to be overridden somewhere else.


Paul, any ideas? :(


Put !important; on them and also put the css file below the blesta files so it loads up last and overwrites Blesta's or you can simply just edit the client theme colours on Settings > Look and Feel > Client > Non default > Header colours.

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Put !important; on them and also put the css file below the blesta files so it loads up last and overwrites Blesta's or you can simply just edit the client theme colours on Settings > Look and Feel > Client > Non default > Header colours.


... Well. Now I feel stupid, ha.


This has been a rather educational experience, dealing with the site code. And not one I'm likely to repeat, though... it's too much of a pain in the arse for me to wrap my head about.


The only thing I have trouble with is implementing your suggestion re: the header stuff. I mean, I get how you did it, but my implementation seems to usually either result in a white page or a hilarious broken mess... lol


I chuckle now because right now, it's a working setup and I'm not too far inclined in fixing the header issue at the moment but I'll probably take another stab at it.


Thank the gods in having multiple duplicates and a development system to mess with rather than a live production server!

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... Well. Now I feel stupid, ha.


This has been a rather educational experience, dealing with the site code. And not one I'm likely to repeat, though... it's too much of a pain in the arse for me to wrap my head about.


The only thing I have trouble with is implementing your suggestion re: the header stuff. I mean, I get how you did it, but my implementation seems to usually either result in a white page or a hilarious broken mess... lol


I chuckle now because right now, it's a working setup and I'm not too far inclined in fixing the header issue at the moment but I'll probably take another stab at it.


Thank the gods in having multiple duplicates and a development system to mess with rather than a live production server!


Best to enable Blesta error_reporting (config/blesta.php) change 0 to -1, you could be missing a { or a } or even a ; or , or the " are conflicting with each other and you need to use ' instead.

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Best to enable Blesta error_reporting (config/blesta.php) change 0 to -1, you could be missing a { or a } or even a ; or , or the " are conflicting with each other and you need to use ' instead.


... Indeed. I will have to remember to do that... I keep forgetting to do that.


Thank you for being so patient with me. I'm sure sometimes you want to bap me over the head. :P

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... Indeed. I will have to remember to do that... I keep forgetting to do that.


Thank you for being so patient with me. I'm sure sometimes you want to bap me over the head. :P


Haha your learning and I was in your shoes, how we get there, and there's a lot of people on WHT or LET who want to bash me over the head lol.

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Haha your learning and I was in your shoes, how we get there, and there's a lot of people on WHT or LET who want to bash me over the head lol.


So, it turns out the suggestion you made was already in place... I didn't notice this was why it kept breaking until I read the code more closely and went, "Wait a minute, I didn't put that there, Michael did!"


So it's pretty much done now. I actually modified the way you had ours set up so that it just showed the dashboard and nothing else, if logged in... but I felt like that was a bit too much white. So I put it back to the way you had it set up and it's much better.


Looks like we're set... except maybe for the dropdown menus up top where they should be working... but I don't know if that'd work or not...


Edit: Here's some eye-candy!



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