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Auto Email When Payment Received



Hi guys,


How do I make automated email sent when payment received and service has been approved and activated instead of running cron? Right now when my customer purchase, I have to run cron. Then email will be sent to customer about approved and activated.


Please advice. 

4 answers to this question

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cron runs every 5 minutes but haven't had any issues so far with that. We state in the welcome email to wait 5-10 minutes.
If you want a email you can get it via my info > notices.

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How do I make automated email sent when payment received and service has been approved and activated instead of running cron? Right now when my customer purchase, I have to run cron.


Did you not setup a cron job on the server to run every 5 minutes? Your web hosting provider may have an interface you can access that makes it easy to setup a cron job.

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I have my own VPS. seems like Ive not done the automated cron job every 5 mins.


Copy your cron command from Settings > System > Automation to a file called something like blesta-cron.txt Make sure the path to PHP is correct. It should look similar to this:



*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/index.php cron


Upload it to your server. Then, SSH in as the user you want the cron to run as and execute this command:


crontab blesta-cron.txt


This will create a cron using the contents of the file. Be sure you're in the same directory as you upload the file when you execute that.


You can run crontab -l to list your crons after to ensure it's in there.


Then, wait 5 minutes and make sure the date updates for last run time under Settings > System > Automation.

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