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Offline Payment Name Not Translated





In the clients "payment selection "view (...client/pay/method/) and the "payment confirmation" view (...client/pay/confirm/) the name of the "Offline Payment" method ist not translated. 


Other payment methods are translated correctly - only offline payment is not:





my language file for the offline payment gateway (offline.php) looks like this:

$lang['Offline.name'] = "Vorauskasse";
$lang['Offline.instructions'] = "Anleitung";

// Errors
$lang['Offline.!error.instructions.valid'] = "Sie müssen Anweisungen angeben";


What could be the problem here? 

4 answers to this question

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The name of the gateway is stored in the database in the language it was installed in. It's currently not possible to display it in different languages.

Any plan to change this way ?

Multilanguage system should have this basics .

The simple solution is to move from database to a file language .

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We haven't yet looked at what it would take to make some of those language definitions more multi-lingual-friendly. I think they were added without translation originally because they were proper names, but that may need to be revised.

i hope this to be in the near future , as some easy task didn't need a long time to implement .

this task and the multi-language navigation link and some other minor change will have the same solution .

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