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Cannot Create Products [ Universal Module ]



I am facing an strange issue to add a new product. I go to      [settings] -> [Modules] -> [Available] ->  "Universal Module" -> Manage ; when I try to add a new product or edit an existing product changes are not reflecting. 


There is no error displayed but the page just reload with the page to add / edit product. I have checked all settings, but it still does not let me to add or edit  a product. Any clue?


Blesta Version installed :- 3.4.3

5 answers to this question

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I sugest you to debug it,you can use firebug extension.It is hard to say without error from page or log file but with debug extension like firebug you will see where is problem.

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Thank you for the reply. Mo_sec was actually causing issues, which I did not checked. For anyone experiencing similar issues, check Mod_sec log as well ( conflicting rule for us is    1234123440 ). 

I hate mod_security :P

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