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The Form Token Is Invalid. Error





I have the error "The form token is invalid" everywhere (admin and client area).  Nobody is able to work and no customer are able to login.  Need to fix this asap :wub:


Symptoms :


  • We did not made changes on the server : still the same php still the same apache.
  • There is absolutely no errors in the logs (server side, and blesta)
  • If i change Configure::set("Blesta.verify_csrf_token", true);  to Configure::set("Blesta.verify_csrf_token", false); then i am just unable to login.  It doesn't work more. When the csrf tokens are disabled, and i try to login, it doesn't let me login, but it doesn't show any error either. And there is no errors in the logs, server side.
  • I also tried to disable modsecurity and enable log reporting with Configure::errorReporting but it still don't change anything, and i still don't see any errors, and i am still unable to login.

Recent changes made in Blesta :

  • The problem started 1 day after i upgraded Blesta from 3.4.0 to 3.4.3 - don't think it's related since yesterday, it was working fine for all day.
  • Yesterday, we enabled phpids after the Blesta upgrade : please advise on how to disable this through the mysql command line if you want me to test without phpids.  I don't know if this issue may be related or not with phpids.


Someone know a solution? :rolleyes:


Thank you,


8 answers to this question

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Instead, i disabled the plugin in the plugin table :


mysql> select * from plugins;
| id | dir              | company_id | name                | version | enabled |
|     | phpids           |          1 | PHPIDS              | 1.1.0   |       0 |


.but it still doesn't work.


Something else i can try / look?

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Instead, i disabled the plugin in the plugin table :


mysql> select * from plugins;


| id | dir              | company_id | name                | version | enabled |


|     | phpids           |          1 | PHPIDS              | 1.1.0   |       0 |



.but it still doesn't work.


Something else i can try / look?


dno I delete the rows myself lol.


Try turning Blesta's errors on: /config/blesta.php


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I just tried with


...still no luck : there is no errors on the login page, and there is no errors in the logs upon login.
I am trying with csrf disabled. 
If i re-enable the csrf check then i am getting a token error.  Without csrf i have nothing (no error, no login).
Thank you,

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I just tried with


...still no luck : there is no errors on the login page, and there is no errors in the logs upon login.
I am trying with csrf disabled. 
If i re-enable the csrf check then i am getting a token error.  Without csrf i have nothing (no error, no login).
Thank you,




Sounds like a file or folder is missing try re-uploading a fresh 3.4.3 full zip and see if that fixes it I recommend FTP or SSH.

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i tried this already 2 times.  still the same.


I noticed if i disable the csrf it seems like the password is validated, cause if i use the wrong password, then i am getting a username / password error.


But if i try with the correct password then i just don't get any error.


weird :wacko:

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If someone else get the same error, please have a check on :




in the php.ini file.


Problem fixed : hope this post will be useful  for someone, someday


I was all confused, because i am coming from another well know billing solution i won't even pronounce  :rolleyes:    As a result : i may think it's Blesta's fault, but it's an evidence for me now : Blesta just cannot have a bug.  :blesta:

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