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Invoices Sent From Admin With Link Https:///





Every emails sent out by the cron job are fine,


but email sent from the admin area have links like this one :


<a href="https:///">Pay Now</a>


I checked, and i am having the correct root path in the General settings (not the path to blesta, but the real server relative path) 


I also verified the company parameters, and i can see our correct hostname.


I verified and in the email template the link is :


<a href="https://{payment_url}">Pay Now</a>


I do not see any problem, except i cannot send emails with links ONLY from the admin panel, if i re-send the email manally.


What am i missing?

Thank you,


23 answers to this question

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You may have missed a template, there is an "Invoice Delivery (Paid)" and "Invoice Delivery (Unpaid)" template that both contain the pay now link. It may not be correct in one of them.

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The "Invoice delivery (paid)" template do not need 

<a href="https://{payment_url}">Pay Now</a>


...because it's already paid. :blesta:   We don't have any "Pay now" link in this one.

I am talking about the "Invoice Delivery (Unpaid)" template.


I have many unpaid invoices in a test account, and of course i am testing with the unpaid invoices.  If i send the invoice from the admin, then it doesn't add the link.


Instead, all we see in the email is :


<a href="https:///">Pay Now</a>


while this should be :


<a href="https://{payment_url}">Pay Now</a>


  • Our root path is correct (the server virtualhost root)
  • Our domain is in the company config.

We were still running on 3.4.0 , even after an upgrade to 3.4.3, i am still having this problem.



Thank you,


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Sorry I was probably thinking of the invoice due reminders.


Make sure you've updated it in both the HTML and text sections. The URL comes from the template, no where else.


EDIT: If the tag exists and the URL is blank I'm not sure what could be going on. Do you have your domain set under Settings > System > Company > Edit? for Hostname?

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It's probably the cron job then mate.


What control panel are you using and what's your cron job command?

Why should i be using a control panel for Blesta? if you are a hosting provider, then you shouldn't need that! :D   We will never do this :)



Sorry I was probably thinking of the invoice due reminders.


Make sure you've updated it in both the HTML and text sections. The URL comes from the template, no where else.



 I already verfied this.  All our emails are corrects.


The link i can see everywhere is :

<a href="https://{payment_url}">Pay Now</a>

but all we are getting in the email is :

<a href="https:///">Pay Now</a>

After a couple more verifications i can see Blesta CRON is sending emails with the relative path :


https://mydomain/usr/share/apache2/beta/pay/method/4880/?sid=tuweiutmu..... ... ...



The root path i am using is :


...same as in our virtualhost.

DocumentRoot "/usr/share/apache2/"

Thank you,


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Why should i be using a control panel for Blesta? if you are a hosting provider, then you shouldn't need that! :D   We will never do this :)


You'd be surprised how many hosts host it on their own VPS with a control panel, and as for that issue you've added to the thread, are you using:


Centos / Ubuntu / Debian / etc.


PHP Version

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And here is our cron :

crontab -l -u apache2
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /usr/share/apache2/index.php cron


That's confused me... Why it is there? Most non control panel servers use /var/www/html/ or /var/www/

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I know :) 


but...  apt-get install and yum install aren't so complicated and a virtualhost is not a monster :)


You'd be surprised how many hosts host it on their own VPS with a control panel, and as for that issue you've added to the thread, are you using:


Centos / Ubuntu / Debian / etc.


PHP Version

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I see the urls in the emails were working even if they included the root path after the domain because of this :


RedirectMatch ^/$ /beta/index.php


(this redirect / to the client path)


but i don't think the htaccess may be related to the tag in the email template (well : i doubt )

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Our files are in the correct place.


This is only a path.  A path can be documented, and used everywhere, and this is not related to our path.  It,s the default on apache : http://linux.about.com/od/ubusrv_doc/a/ubusg25t05.htm


and also : i did not provided my real path cause this is an example on a forum :D


Your files are in the wrong area or your cron isn't set-up to the right location when I used Ubuntu (Debian) my files go in /var/www/ you aren't doing that.

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For whatever reason it sounds like the {payment_url} tag is not available to the template when run via your web server. That's interesting and unusual.


You could add the {% debug %} tag to see if that's all that's missing, maybe gain some insight to the issue. But be careful, you don't want any emails to go to customers with that tag as it may contain sensitive information.

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I just tried.


I see the output.


There don't seems to be any tag or link in this.  I don't see anything strange with the debug output.


I removed it from the email template :)

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Yup : even our key file, so i deleted it from our database log table :)


Why does it output so much infos btw? :D There is not way to delete this from the blesta admin panel logs without going to run commands on mysql :D

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The root path i am using is :


...same as in our virtualhost.

DocumentRoot "/usr/share/apache2/"

Is your blesta realy working fine (loading html page, etc..) at above path?


It's very strange path what distro or OS are you using?

  • 0
The root path i am using is :


...same as in our virtualhost.

DocumentRoot "/usr/share/apache2/"

Is your blesta realy working fine (loading html page, etc..) at above path?


It's very strange path what distro or OS are you using?



He likes to use his own path instead of the default mate. some Debian distro so I assume it's Ubuntu.

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