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The default language is overwritten by updates. That's no good.

Is it as simple as creating a new language?

English is what I'd want, so renaming it to something random would work?


I'm either not seeing docs on this, or I somehow missed it.

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Languages follow the ISO standards for country and language codes, and are formatted in Blesta as  ISO639-1_ISO3166-1, e.g. "en_us", "en_gb", "fr_fr", etc. Other languages translated by the community are available from the translator. There are several directories of language definitions in Blesta, including the core files, plugins, modules, gateways, components, helpers, etc. Creating them manually can be a pain. If you download one of the translations from the Translator you can get an idea of all of the directories and files involved.


More info on translating Blesta is described in the documentation.

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Since only en_us is included (and thus overwritten), adding another overwrite-proof language is as easy as adding "en_gb", yes?


This assumes that language is overwritten on updates. Is it?

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Since only en_us is included (and thus overwritten), adding another overwrite-proof language is as easy as adding "en_gb", yes?


This assumes that language is overwritten on updates. Is it?


Since Blesta only ships with en_us, adding en_gb will cause that language to be untouched by an upgrade (Will not be overwritten). We have plans to simplify the installation of additional languages within Blesta in the future, but I don't think this would get in your way.

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