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See attached.




- I don't want to give clients the ability to add more contacts.

- I don't want "Payment Accounts" to show up, as it's confusing. It's a useless menu item when you're taking Paypal and mailed payments.

- The "account not set up" warning goes to the unwanted payment page.

- The only way to receive invoices is via email. So again, a completely useless warning needs to be removed.


I've been told several of things are "in the templates" -- but where? I don't see it.


Blesta is great, but it has a lot of confusing things. Don't give clients too much credit. They're often not that smart.

9 answers to this question

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- I don't want to give clients the ability to add more contacts.

To edit that contacts tab you need to use the Admin Tools plugin from Naja7Host, or you can edit the database but the plugin is the safe route to go.

You'll need to ask Naja7host though because I don't see an edit list:



- I don't want "Payment Accounts" to show up, as it's confusing. It's a useless menu item when you're taking Paypal and mailed payments.

Same above if you want to remove it from the top.


- The "account not set up" warning goes to the unwanted payment page.


- The only way to receive invoices is via email. So again, a completely useless warning needs to be removed.

/app/views/client/bootstrap/client_main_myinfo.pdt or /app/views/client/customfolder/client_main_myinfo.pdt

Find this to remove the email address:


<hr />
									<a href="mailto:<?php $this->Html->_($contact->email);?>"><?php $this->Html->_($contact->email);?></a><br />

Find this to remove the other bits:


						<div class="list-group">
							if ($this->Html->ifSet($myinfo_settings['invoice'])) {
							<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "main/invoicemethod/");?>" class="list-group-item">
								<i class="fa fa-envelope fa-lg pull-right"></i>
								<p class="list-group-item-text"><?php $this->Html->_($myinfo_settings['invoice']['description']);?> <?php $this->_("ClientMain.myinfo.setting_change");?></p>
							if ($this->Html->ifSet($myinfo_settings['autodebit']['enabled'], false)) {
							<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "accounts/");?>" class="list-group-item">
								<i class="fa fa-cog fa-lg pull-right"></i>
								<p class="list-group-item-text"><?php $this->Html->_($myinfo_settings['autodebit']['description']);?> <?php $this->_("ClientMain.myinfo.setting_change");?></p>
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I'm not sure I want to add more plugins. Surely this is in a template.

How is the nav menu being built? I can't figure that part out.


If you don't want to add a plugin and ask for help by the developer to make it so you can remove default links then you need to edit the database...

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Well, what about entirely removing the menu, and manually create a new one with CSS?

I'd just assume go that route, as I'm not fond of the current menu anyway,


For that matter, I'd just assume do the same to the admin backend. That thing drives me nuts. I want dropdowns!


EDIT -- Yep, got it. That's what I'll do. Manual CSS menu, here I come! And while I'm at it, I'll try to tweak the overall design.

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Some nav links are not stored in database , like the two first links , they exist in the navigation class . Xor that reason they are multi-language and for that reason there is no edit/delete buttons in my admin plugin .

So you can't delete theme . But yiu can hide theme by css and javascript .

I think is suggested and should existca links manager in admin side . That way every admin can add/edit/delete links , and it should be multi-language .

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I'm going to edit the client frontend to appear more like WHMCS.


And then the admin backend to be more like WordPress.


I can manually change the templates. I may try to share them here, when I'm done.


I like Blesta, I really do. It has an easier-yet-customizable ability unlike WHMCS or ClientExec. But some areas are still very beta feeling compared to those, or even other CMS like WordPress. It reminds me of Xenforo. It's good, but it's not mature yet. Sadly, it may need several more years, though I wish it was quicker. WHMCS already went though that, and is only now mature.

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I understand well what kpmedia says. It's the same for me. 


This is a "logic" issue: e.g. if i enable only "paypal" as payment, Blesta should hide "Payment options", and so on. So, for these issues we not should need plugin! 


Maybe i'm wrong, but there are some improvements about this argument in Blesta's todo list.

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