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Now that cPanel add MariaDB as option insted MySQL lol, and we go to PDO connectors pressure from PHP7, what the future will old?


We use CloudLinux on shared enviorments on all our servers, so we use betwin PHP 4.6 and php 5.6 eheh all with latest satable MySQL from cPanel.


Off topic: I hate innodb engine (if DB is corrupted it can compromise all databases stored on that engine), MyISAM is good wen corrupted but a litle slow running.


In developing some APP's and Websites we sitll use old fashion MySQL with MyISAM Engine, so it will take some time for us to adapt :P


Some of my custom script use mysqi I was preffering to pdo , do I have to worry ?


Do you think  mysqi will be still supported on the long run with PHP7?

Not if you don't upgrade.


For me PHP 7 is a massive step forward, from the tests I've ran it's at least twice as fast. Since I write my code on Laravel it's already mostly compatible, which is great!


Some of my custom script use mysqi I was preffering to pdo , do I have to worry ?


Do you think  mysqi will be still supported on the long run with PHP7?

It doesn't look like mysqli is removed in php7 so you shouldn't have any issues.

I personally prefer PDO just because I can almost seamlessly support multiple database types without changing any code.


yes, your right, I was prefering mysqli in place of PDO, because coding syntax are more close to mysql, and I'm not willing to work with other db than mysql

You should absolutely still use PDO, because who knows what will happen in the future.


You should absolutely still use PDO, because who knows what will happen in the future.

At the same time who knows if PDO will be the way to go in the future (I hope it is though).  I don't think it is worth converting mysqli to PDO unless you are doing a redesign that warrants it. 


To me PDO makes more sense as it seems to be significantly more structured in the object oriented design.  mysqli seems to be the hybrid approach, it is OO but feel like it had to make some compromises to support much of the procedural stuff.  That is my current opinion at least just finishing up moving a huge core database library for a project from the old mysql extension to mysqli and finally to PDO.


Off topic: I hate innodb engine (if DB is corrupted it can compromise all databases stored on that engine), MyISAM is good wen corrupted but a litle slow running.



even if you use the var

innodb_file_per_table = 1


i have though this var can avoid this situation , because every database in a separate file .


even if you use the var

innodb_file_per_table = 1


i have though this var can avoid this situation , because every database in a separate file .



lol, im always learning :) didnt know about the litle twick :P thanks naja7host 

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