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Plesk Automation, Netearthone Intergration Etc.




I managed to make blesta to work somehow but I am missing few things like:

When client make order and this order is paid. Why client doesn't get an email with all information regards to Plesk?

I also have problem with cronjob, I did setup in plesk, but it looks like it is not working, only if I press it or use command in ssh. But still after execute the command, no mail for plesk (but account is created in plesk panel).

Is there any plugin for netearthone domain resellers?

At the moment I am using trial version, but as soon as I do all the stuff I need to, I guess I will be client of one of your well known resellers.

Thanks in advance

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I managed to make blesta to work somehow but I am missing few things like:

When client make order and this order is paid. Why client doesn't get an email with all information regards to Plesk?

It could be one of these reasons:

- Plesk needs to have "Force ungrateful restart or something because Blesta is on Plesk.

- The cron hasn't ran yet.

- You don't have information in the welcome email section on the package.


Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2466-provisioning-plesk-accounts-on-same-server-as-blesta-is-not-possible/


I also have problem with cronjob, I did setup in plesk, but it looks like it is not working, only if I press it or use command in ssh. But still after execute the command, no mail for plesk (but account is created in plesk panel).

I would say it's not set-up correctly but I couldn't find out how to do it myself when helping a customer before.


Is there any plugin for netearthone domain resellers?

NetEarthOne use the Logicboxes API so you use that on Blesta.

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It could be one of these reasons:

- Plesk needs to have "Force ungrateful restart or something because Blesta is on Plesk.

- The cron hasn't ran yet.

- You don't have information in the welcome email section on the package.

I agree there is no information in welcome email section. But Even if I login as a client (i made testing client), I don't see any service. It is true that I used coupon for 100% free, but still I should see it. I will do some more tests now, since I changed Apache restart interval



I would say it's not set-up correctly but I couldn't find out how to do it myself when helping a customer before.


I did changed cronjob setup a bit in that way (for every 5 minutes - picture attached):

php  /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/blesta/index.php cron

I read here on forums, that someone had problems with original code "*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/blesta/index.php cron", so as I noticed it doesn't work, I tried in that way.


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I agree there is no information in welcome email section. But Even if I login as a client (i made testing client), I don't see any service. It is true that I used coupon for 100% free, but still I should see it. I will do some more tests now, since I changed Apache restart interval



I did changed cronjob setup a bit in that way (for every 5 minutes - picture attached):

php  /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/blesta/index.php cron

I read here on forums, that someone had problems with original code "*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/blesta/index.php cron", so as I noticed it doesn't work, I tried in that way.



This post: http://forum.sp.parallels.com/threads/how-to-use-cronjobs-to-execute-a-php-file.283297/#post-687706 says another way.


Or: http://forum.sp.parallels.com/threads/how-to-use-cronjobs-to-execute-a-php-file.283297/#post-687765 another way.


Or even: http://daipratt.co.uk/crontab-plesk-php/ another way apparently, Plesk is awful :P

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Tell me about it -.-. I am planning to take interwox, just need to get one vps for testing first, as in demo I saw it is nice panel. And I guess intervox is more friendly with Blesta and other software I need (cloudflare, etc), where Plesk is AWful :D.


But ok, let's say I will manage this somehow. There is another problem (ohh plesk i so hate you! - no offense :D), client doesn't have any service! If I add service to client by myself, it is created in plesk, but not in client section under services?


For now, I will try this from your last link, but I tried in that way too (with -q, but full path, will try now with not full path), but no luck lmao... I have luck, that all my customers I made website for are on other servers at the moment, but I would like to offer them cheaper services as they are my clients for webdesign.

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Tell me about it -.-. I am planning to take interwox, just need to get one vps for testing first, as in demo I saw it is nice panel. And I guess intervox is more friendly with Blesta and other software I need (cloudflare, etc), where Plesk is AWful :D.


For now, I will try this from your last link, but I tried in that way too (with -q, but full path, will try now with not full path), but no luck lmao... I have luck, that all my customers I made website for are on other servers at the moment, but I would like to offer them cheaper services as they are my clients for webdesign.


Yeah InterWorx is much more user friendly, I personally manage my Blesta on InterWorx via SSH which is much easier for myself. but yeah Plesk I've never liked it. I would rate it behind DirectAdmin.

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Yea I know, but I've got Plesk for free (10 domain license - I dont need more for now) with my VPS. Now I get it, why they give it for free - no one likes it, i guess.


haha I've not tried it personally, I've only helped a customer but yeah it wasn't easy to get around or use. But the client likes it.

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