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I'm not finding much documentation on installing Blesta outside of cPanel/Softaculous stack.  That's surprising considering I doubt many of us will want to scale very big before taking our billing system outside a shared hosting environment.


I imagine a dedicated ubuntu server running marriadb and nginx.... even Open LiteSpeed would be pretty good setup.  Why is there no guide for setting that up on Centos and Ubuntu VPS.  That would cover about 85% of the non-cpanel scenarios I would imagine.


Blesta Recommended Requirements

 The following requirements are recommended, and if met will provide a better experience and more full use of available features. 

  1. PHP version 5.2 or later
  2. PDOpdo_mysqlcurl (version 7.10.5 or later), openssl (version 0.9.6 or later), gmpimapjsonldaplibxml, mailparse, mbstring, mcryptsimplexml, and zlib PHP extensions
  3. MySQL version 5.0.17 or later
  4. Apache, IIS, or LiteSpeed Web Server
  5. ionCube PHP loader
  6. memory_limit set to 32 MB or greater


That's a lot of requirements to satisfy without any guidance.   I don't mind being a pioneer, but even pioneers like to have a map.


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A lot of the VPS providers have guides on LEMP and LAMP stacks, see https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lemp/ and https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lamp/lamp-server-on-centos-7


For ionCube, their loader wizard works great for detailed instructions on getting ionCube loaded, but aside from that almost any modern LEMP/LAMP stack will work fine without modification. If there's a dependency missing, the Blesta installer will say so. Usually it's just a simple package manager update to install the necessary extensions via yum, apt-get, etc.


But, I see what you're saying, it would be nice if we have some of our own tutorials on configuring the LAMP/LEMP stack.

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It took me a while to figure out how... but I have successfully installed Blesta 3.4.2 on Centos 7 with Open LiteSpeed.   I'm happy to report it is BLAZING fast.


I respectfully submit that Open LiteSpeed is a better path than NGINX on a non-cpanel server for a few reasons.


1 - In a production environment, I don't want to be figuring out NGINX config file syntax should I have a support issue.  The Open Litespeed web admin interface provides a much needed level of comfort.


2 - Litespeed has an official upgrade and support path...   I can upgrade to a paid Litespeed product or simply move the site back into my cPanel Litespeed stack.  I like having options.


3 - I already use Litespeed in my shared environment since NGINX isn't officially supported on cPanel.   (Whhhy cPanel?)


I'm commenting purely from a business point of view... Nginx may indeed be faster, more secure, etc....


Anyways, I would be happy to write up a Centos 7 / Blesta / litespeed install How To guide.  I don't mind sending it to the Blesta team so they can edit my draft and publish it through official channels.  Just let me know with whom to coordinate.

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It took me a while to figure out how... but I have successfully installed Blesta 3.4.2 on Centos 7 with Open LiteSpeed.   I'm happy to report it is BLAZING fast.


I respectfully submit that Open LiteSpeed is a better path than NGINX on a non-cpanel server for a few reasons.


1 - In a production environment, I don't want to be figuring out NGINX config file syntax should I have a support issue.  The Open Litespeed web admin interface provides a much needed level of comfort.


2 - Litespeed has an official upgrade and support path...   I can upgrade to a paid Litespeed product or simply move the site back into my cPanel Litespeed stack.  I like having options.


3 - I already use Litespeed in my shared environment since NGINX isn't officially supported on cPanel.   (Whhhy cPanel?)


I'm commenting purely from a business point of view... Nginx may indeed be faster, more secure, etc....


Anyways, I would be happy to write up a Centos 7 / Blesta / litespeed install How To guide.  I don't mind sending it to the Blesta team so they can edit my draft and publish it through official channels.  Just let me know with whom to coordinate.


Great! If you want to write a how to guide that would be fantastic. I'd say, post in on the forums here in a new thread and we'll link to it from the documentation.

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