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Trouble With Ticket Import Via Pop3



Greetings everyone!


I am having a problem getting ticket imports to work using a pop3 email account. The email account is located on a cpanel server and the blesta software is on a separate vps.


The pop3 account is configured using defaults like no ssl, 110 port, email account / password, and mail.exampledomain.com. I have these same credentials setup in outlook which is working.


When the cron task executes for the import, it does not complete. After an hour I get the message about a stalled task on the dashboard. The automation section shows the spinning wheel but no option to kill the task. I have tried rebooting the vps and executing cron tasks manually from inside of blesta . I have also tried disabling and then re-enabling the task.


I read on another post that i could go and remove the error from the database, but I think it might be better to first figure out what is causing the issue. The logs inside of blesta don't seem to indicate a problem with the task itself, the just display that it started and finished a few hours later.


Any help on how I could trouble shoot this would be greatly appreciated. It is running on a VPS with Ubuntu 14.04, PHP 5.5 and NGINX if that helps at all. I compiled mailparse from source as at first their was a warning that mailparse was required, but after compiling that error no longer exists.

4 answers to this question

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Do you have a firewall? Is port 110 egress open? If it stalls, it may be timing out trying to make the connection. If you have SSH on the server, you can test by running: telnet  mail.yourmailserver.com 110


If you get no reply, then it's unable to connect due to a firewall, dns, or other issue on the server.


A screenshot of your configuration, with the hostname and username masked may also help us determine if anything looks out of the ordinary with your settings.

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Hey Paul,


Thanks for the reply. The firewall is disabled for testing on the server running blesta for testing purposes. Telnet connects fine on that port. According to blesta the cron taks has been stuck since 8:00 am or so this morning its now 8:45 p.m. Is there anyway I can see exactly what trouble it is running into? I have attached screenshots of settings minus user/pass/host ; telnet connecting from blesta vps, and cron showing frozen with no additional options.








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Download tickets won't try again until it's no longer hung or it's been 6 hours. If it's disabled though, it won't try to run.


My suggestion is to enable error reporting in your config file, disable your automatic cron, and then run the cron manually. If there are errors, it would spit them out and hopefully give you more information about the issue.


1. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change

2. Disable your cron
3. Run the cron manually under Settings > System > Automation.
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In addition to what Paul said, you could check if you do not have old unfinished cron tasks, as if there are, they could froze your cron task



it's SQL query to run on your blesta database



found if there is unfinished cron task:
SELECT * FROM `log_cron` WHERE `run_id` !=0 AND `end_date` IS NULL ORDER BY `start_date` DESC;

if there is, delete unfinished task:
DELETE FROM `log_cron` WHERE `run_id` !=0 AND `end_date` IS NULL ORDER BY `start_date` DESC;




And after that run cron manually from blesta interface


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