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Blesta Error





Please find the error here: http://i.imgur.com/krt8Azg.png



I've contacted my host and they said:

"By default outgoing connections from our server are blocked, this error :

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo

reports that, the software is contacting a remote site for any data collection. Could you kindly contact Blesta support to confirm the remote ip/host contacted via the Blesta program, we can allow access for that same host on our server."

6 answers to this question

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What was you doing to get this error out of curiosity?


The more information we have the better we can diagnose.. But like Mike said your host should not be blocking outgoing connections..


To block outgoing connections means any licensed software.. API calls etc would be blocked leading to your hosting being pretty much information based and not interactive

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What was you doing to get this error out of curiosity?


The more information we have the better we can diagnose.. But like Mike said your host should not be blocking outgoing connections..


To block outgoing connections means any licensed software.. API calls etc would be blocked leading to your hosting being pretty much information based and not interactive

Thank you Dean for your reply. I don't know, i have just installed blesta and it showed this error.


@Licensecart, they are skynethosting.net

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Thank you Dean for your reply. I don't know, i have just installed blesta and it showed this error.


@Licensecart, they are skynethosting.net


Oh wow, I've heard mixed things from there, but if they are blocking outgoing connections I wouldn't use them and move. If you can I suggest you do too. Not worth contacting them with every outbound connection. And the only reason they would do that is if they have high ddos abuse as that would stop them happening if nothing can connect out, which is good for normal sites, but when you need to pay PayPal and license checks to validate your software, or for Stripe or even other licenses like for example, ModulesBakery, they call home to check the key.

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That sounds like it could be anything, from PayPal, to calling home to license the software. I would highly recommend you move hosts, because I've not ever ever heard of a host blocking outgoing connections, never in my entire time in the industry from 2008.


Yes .. like my hosting.

I use different hosting to set which use blesta (as clientarea) and which use main page.

Pelajarhosting.com and lapangan.pelajarhosting.com

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Thank you Dean for your reply. I don't know, i have just installed blesta and it showed this error.


@Licensecart, they are skynethosting.net


I would look for another host that does not block this kind of thing. Out of curiosity have you used other billing software? how long have you been with them?


i got a feeling that mike is right about them suspending outgoing traffic but that is no way to run a hosting company


Anyways if you need any help with anything let me know

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