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Payment Gateways And Client



By default, it seems that client can choose which payment gateway that they want to use. I want to disable it. For example, I prefer all customers using bank transfer method. I only activate credit card option for some special customers.


Is that possible? In WHMCS, I know they have that feature, but I am not sure where it is in Blesta, if it's existed.

Please advice.



3 answers to this question

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It sounds like you want to use ACH payments in Blesta. You can setup and use one of the merchant gateways that support ACH (e.g. Authorize.net) under [settings] -> [Payment Gateways]. Don't enable any Non-Merchant gateways in this case. And if you're only going to accept ACH, uncheck "Credit Card" from [settings] -> [Company] -> [billing/Payment] -> [Accepted Payment Types]. This will leave only the ACH payment method available to customers.

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Beware that the abbreviation "ACH" is not used outside the USA, so may lead to confusion.

Calling it "direct debit" is more common internationally. That involves PULLing money from customer's account, and I don't think that is what the TS means.


"bank transfer" more commonly refers to a wire transfer from one bank account to another.

The customer initiates those through his own bank (e.g. via Internet banking), and pushes the money to your account number.

You would be using the "offline payment" gateway in Blesta to process those manually.


And no, I don't think there is an option right now, to configure different payment methods/gateways per customer.

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No, it is not something I asked. I still want to use both ACH and credit card processing. Let's say:

- I setup Offiline payment and Stripe.

- I have customers A, B, C and D.

- for customer A and D, all invoices for them are just using Stripe.

- for customer B an C, all invoices for them are just using Offline payment gateway.

- and they cannot change payment gateway themselves.


In WHMCS, I can uncheck at "Clients Choose Gateway - Tick to allow clients to choose the gateway they pay with". http://docs.whmcs.com/Invoice_Tab#Clients_Choose_Gateway


The reason for is in case of credit card. We have received many fraud orders, and stopped processing automatically. All credit card payments need to be verified manually, then if it's ok, we will switch to correct payment gateway for customer to pay. Customer cannot choose credit card payment at the first time.


Is that possible with Blesta?



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