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Oh Noes ! Mysql Server Has Gone Away



Hello all.
today, i'm trying to add a service (cpanel module) from client side (as admin).
And after click a button of " add service "
Oh noes mySQL server has gone away !
what is it?

when i check the clients email.

it didn't send a confirmation cpanel and the receipt.

BUT the WHM have created the cpanel user

Anyone have experience with this ? :(

15 answers to this question

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I would be curious what version of PHP and MySQL or MariaDB you are using and if you have any custom configuration for MySQL. That error usually indicates that MySQL crashed, which is unusual and may be evidence of a bigger problem.

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I would be curious what version of PHP and MySQL or MariaDB you are using and if you have any custom configuration for MySQL. That error usually indicates that MySQL crashed, which is unusual and may be evidence of a bigger problem.

or they have a resource monitor like(cloudlinux for mysql) to kill any query that use a lot of time/ressource .

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or they have a resource monitor like(cloudlinux for mysql) to kill any query that use a lot of time/ressource .



Maybe the problems come from the memory limit.

I just have Virtual Memory Usage = 512 MB

and Physical Memory Usage = 256 MB

hmm :3

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i've try to change the provider from H4G, to Hawk*host

But when i accept the pending service .

still error :(



Please help me


As stated in the other thread, copy the email from the thread, to the TEXT box and then copy and paste it to the HTML, that way it doesn't have any invalid characters like Blank spaces (in random places) or other stuff.

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sometime we want to do a single click, but in fact it's was double, was it that for you?


just reload url where you had error


i got this 1st problem, maybe because my host have low memory. So can't executed long time script like add a service on blesta. And i moved the client area to another host = working 100%.

And 2nd problem is parser, i should create the welcome email from the text into html.


btw this problem is solved. thanks anyone who helped me ;)

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This happens when i activate a new clients hosting account?


As stated above: 


copy the email from the thread, to the TEXT box and then copy and paste it to the HTML, that way it doesn't have any invalid characters like Blank spaces (in random places) or other stuff. If you aren't using my email templates it could be a incorrect tag or a blank space somewhere.

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If you still have this issue, can you paste here what your package Welcome Email and Service Creation email is that leads to this error? AFAIK there should be checks in place that don't allow you to save a template that contains unparsable syntax. But I'd like to know what your email template content is to duplicate this myself.

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