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Universal Module, Possible Bug?





So, I'm messing with the Universal Module again to create packages for our dedicated server offerings until we can either contract out a general dedicated server module development to someone or contract Blesta directly for that development.


After having configured a UM package, following this guide: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module ... including the example input rules because you don't want those things to be empty.


I went to create a new package with the pricings and the like right? Now... after inputting prices and all the usual test-related stuff to the package add screen, I get the "hostname is required" as well as the other stuff that I marked as required messasge... IN the package add screen.


This shouldn't be happening while I'm trying to add the UM dedicated server configuration package to the order screen package.


If a screenshot is necessary, I'd be happy to include one... but is there anything I can do to work around this issue while I'm trying to add products and the like with UM?

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Please provide a screenshot of your UM product. It sounds almost like you created fields under the "Package" section that should be created under the "Service" section for the UM product.

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Please provide a screenshot of your UM product. It sounds almost like you created fields under the "Package" section that should be created under the "Service" section for the UM product.


Hold one, will provide screenshot.


Edit: See: http://eidolonhost.com/umscreens


Edit2: The um2 screenshot shows those options popping up inside the package add screen... but this only happened after I selected the UM as the module to use.

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Hold one, will provide screenshot.


Edit: See: http://eidolonhost.com/umscreens


Edit2: The um2 screenshot shows those options popping up inside the package add screen... but this only happened after I selected the UM as the module to use.


These are package screenshots, but it does confirm my suspicions. Go to Settings > Company > Modules, and manage the Universal Module, editing your Product. All of these fields appear in the Package section, when they should appear in the Service section.


The Package section displays fields on the Package, the Service section displays fields for clients during checkout.

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These are package screenshots, but it does confirm my suspicions. Go to Settings > Company > Modules, and manage the Universal Module, editing your Product. All of these fields appear in the Package section, when they should appear in the Service section.


The Package section displays fields on the Package, the Service section displays fields for clients during checkout.


D'oh! That did the trick. I was confused as to why I kept getting this. Fixed, now.

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