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I'ld like a mass export of invoices, anyone can help me?




I need give invoices to my tax preparer and a CSV report isn't valid. Until today we do this task selecting, one by one, the invoices but.... is very tedious!!!


Any suggestion is very appreciated!



14 answers to this question

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i need the same feature , i have this MOD in my personnal TODO list . but until i arrive to this mod , i have almost 20 plugins/modules to finish (personnal) , and about 10 plugins/modules for the cummunity in free version . i don't count the payed plugins/modules :) .

but if you want to make a plugin for this , is not to complicated , i have the scenario -/+ how to do it in my mind .

1 - select generated invoice between date xxxx and date xxxx . (here store just the invoices ID in array)

2 - for each invoice run the donwload invoice function , and store it under a custome folder .

enjoy :)

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+1 for this feature.


Its not very hard, like naja7host said :)


We will also need for our accounting and a few extras like:


1º- PDF Final Invoice Exporting (this is in this forum)

2º- SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) - its a XML file standard for exporting all Clients Data + Services Data + Invoices Data in one big XML file for all EU countries for legal accounting


More info in here:




We are using a report that we build for our own WHMCS and we will port to blesta and release here wen time comes to finally go with blesta live :)

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i want just to give you more info that can help you todo this task . the TCPDF wrapper support saving file to a local folder , so basically you didn't need to code any thing to save the output , what you need is just a code like this


Loader::loadComponents($this, array("SettingsCollection", "Upload"));

$temp = $this->SettingsCollection->fetchSetting(null, Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"), "uploads_dir");
$upload_path = $temp['value'] . Configure::get("Blesta.company_id") . DS . "pdf_files" . DS;
// Create the upload path if it doesn't already exist
$this->Upload->createUploadPath($upload_path, 0777);

$this->pdf->Output($upload_path . $name . "." . $this->getFileExtension($this->mime_type), 'F');
this code will save the files to the upload folder inside the c ompany folder , in pdf_files folder .

you can customise more to add a subfolder fot the dates of the generated invoice .

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You want a single PDF of all invoices in a given date range? How many invoices are you anticipating being generated? Would a CSV report work instead?



from our case , we need a separated invoice ; every invoice ina pdf file ...

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