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Speed The Redirection To The Payment Gateway

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by default Blesta redirection take 5 second (5000 milli-seconds).



In admin area & menu, packages, order forms, edit your order form.


Note what template you are using.


Now for you given templates (MY-TEMPLATE in bellow example), & using FTP or a file explorer:



open this file :






& change :




to your delay value in milliseconds.


I think the delay of 5 seconds is there for some reason but im not sure (have to check the code):)

Maybe to take time to process payments correctly :)

If im rong, dont understand why is there the delay :)


before the redirection to the payment gateway, client is supposed to click on the payment variant button like:


subscription  or std one-time payment



it's depend of what you have ticked in admin area at Company/setting/YOUR payment gateway, example:

  • Payment Options One time and subscription payments when possible One time payments only Subscription payments only


In my case I use Paypal, with above option ticked, and I can see that if customer do not click to select subscription or one-time payment, the redirection to paypal is taking one-time payment by default,


so shorter the redirection delay, is mostly if you want only one-time payment.

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