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I have successufully added the pagination helper to a module . The only probleme i have is that the pagination UL tag has a class that i don't know from where is comming !

<ul class="pagination pagination-sm">.... </ul>

Any idea for this ?

Note i use the same code in plugins and is not generating a class for the UL Tag.


Naja7host, please explain better the problem: do you want know more about css class (eg php class that generated the html with css class?

the pagination class inluded in blesta generat the build links by $this->Pagination->build(); in normal mode the generated code something like :

<div class="pagination">


<li class=" disabled"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">← First</a></li>

<li class=" disabled"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">Prev</a></li>

<li class="active"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">1</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/2/?sort=id_code&order=desc">2</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/3/?sort=id_code&order=desc">3</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/4/?sort=id_code&order=desc">4</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/5/?sort=id_code&order=desc">5</a></li>

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<li class="next"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/104/?sort=id_code&order=desc">Last →</a></li>



the same code used in my module , the generated code is :

<div class="pagination">

<ul class="pagination pagination-sm">

<li class=" disabled"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">← First</a></li>

<li class=" disabled"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">Prev</a></li>

<li class="active"><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/1/?sort=id_code&order=desc">1</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/2/?sort=id_code&order=desc">2</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/3/?sort=id_code&order=desc">3</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/4/?sort=id_code&order=desc">4</a></li>

<li><a class="ajax" href="/blesta/admin/clients/index/active/5/?sort=id_code&order=desc">5</a></li>

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as you see the only deffirence is the class added to the UL tag .

<ul class="pagination pagination-sm">

my question from where this class is comming and why ? how blesta checkthe attribute of the html tags in pagination ?

NOTE : this is note a big probleme, is only a design matter here .


For pagination, Blesta use "pagination" helper (helper/paginations/pagination.php) with its default config, replaced by Blesta configurations (config/blesta.php): in this last file you can find ul class "pagination pagination-sm" as navigation' >

'surround' > 'attributes' > 'class' for pagination in client view only.

The class is defined in the "Blesta.pagination_client" settings you are using. You want to override those settings to set the class.



// Overwrite default pagination settings
$settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination"), array(
		'total_results' => $total_results,
		'uri'=>$this->base_uri . "/[p]/",
		'navigation'=>array('surround' => array('attributes' => array('class' => "pagination pagination-sm")))

Addendum: ul with class "pagination" is a standard definition for the Bootstrap component (http://getbootstrap.com/components/#pagination); this depends by the Blesta's porting to bootstrap, but i don't know why in the modules Blesta use "Blesta.pagination_client" as settings.


good found daniello .....


The class is defined in the "Blesta.pagination_client" settings you are using. You want to override those settings to set the class.



// Overwrite default pagination settings
$settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination"), array(
		'total_results' => $total_results,
		'uri'=>$this->base_uri . "/[p]/",
		'navigation'=>array('surround' => array('attributes' => array('class' => "pagination pagination-sm")))

the question here tyson is

why in the modules Blesta use "Blesta.pagination_client" as settings instead of Blesta.pagination ?

note my code in a module tab for admin , is this a bug ?

EDIT , when i ovveride the setting with the cody code, the pagination has no prelink first and prev links .

picture here http://host-image.net/v.php?id=33450pagination.png

i almost sur now is a bug .


i have fixed this issue , this was my mistake , i'm using Blesta.pagination_client in the admin tab also . so i have fixed this issue with using Blesta.pagination .

now in the client side , the first page of pagination show correctly , but when i click page 2 , it load the full column to the box "panel_content"

<div class="col-md-3">...</div>

<div class="col-md-9">...</div>

so i get the left nav loaded also . i will make more reseach for this .

@Tyson , is this related to "$this->get['whole_widget']" ?

if yes how i can handel the pagination inthe clientg side section in module , i don't see any module yet using it until now .


i found the probleme , the probleme is coming from the client_services_manage.pdt in client template .

the $tabs is outside the WidgetClient , for this reason , in ajax request it put the whole pdt file inside the WidgetClient .

i think this should not be from the begin be as this . normally the $tabs and $tab_view should be all inside the rendered widget , like the admin side .

the normal code should be something like

			echo $this->Html->ifSet($message);
			$this->WidgetClient->create($this->_("ClientServices.manage.boxtitle_manage", true, $this->Html->ifSet($package->name), $this->Html->ifSet($service->name)), array('id'=>"client_services_manage"), $this->Html->ifSet($render_section, null));
			<div class="col-md-3">
				<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($tabs);?>
			<div class="col-md-9">
			if ($this->Html->ifSet($tab_view)) {
				echo $tab_view;
			else {
				echo $this->Html->ifSet($service_infobox);
the same thing for client_services_addons.pdt .

just it need some tweaks of css design to look better .

@Tyson, @Paul , what do you think ?

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