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In Support > Department we can set an Auto-Close Predefined Response.


I think that this "response" should be an "email template", as "Ticket Updated", for example "Ticket Auto-Close".


This change will produce two big improvements:


1. Blesta will became a little more "multi-language" (at this moment we can't have an "auto-close response" for every our languages, but only one);


2. we can use all dedicated tags available in email templates.




The only issue there is you can't change it per department if you wish. If you have one universal template that makes it a bit hard to use for every one of them.


But for languages cant' you do that on responses? or would that be another feature request :P



1. yes, we can't change it per department but isn't important: this'll always "only and simply" an "auto-closed" message, so the department is indifferent;


2. no, we can't do that on responses, because:

a. the responses aren't multi-language (we group using "category" as "language");

b. should be more difficult to make "Auto-Close Predefined Response" as multiple selection (one for language), than as a pre-defined email template.



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