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Paypal Payments Standard Stopped Working



I've not changed anything at all in months, in the middle of a project that is taking all of my time... And for some reason, Paypal transactions just stopped posting to Blesta.  People are paying via Blesta, I'm getting the payment in Paypal, but the invoice in Blesta still shows unpaid.


I've been researching for hours and can't seem to find ANYTHING about this subject.   I checked the API information, it seems to be perfect (and again, I've not changed anything in it)  Just sometimes in December, it apparently stopped working.


Any ideas on where I could look for the issue?

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But it has been used.  I sent a bill to a client that was with me, clicked the link in the email, told it to pay via Paypal... Successfully did so.  I got an email from Paypal saying the money has been transferred... Confirmed the money was there.  But nothing in Blesta shows up, no logs, no money.  And again, it was all initiated by clicking on the link from Blesta.  I have no doubt, something I did is wrong, I'm not trying to say Blesta is faulty... But for the life of me, I can't figure out why it used to work, nothing got changed, and then it just stopped and has ZERO log files saying the transaction I witnessed for myself ever happened.

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There are no logs regarding PayPal? Usually this means that either PayPal did not attempt to notify Blesta that a payment was made, or is using the wrong URL to do so. Licensecart's link details how to set the correct URL.

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Odd, somehow, message delivery got turned off...  Not sure how it happened... But when I turned it back on, things went back to working.  Thanks for pointing me to the right place.  :-)


Glad you managed to fix it :).

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