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How To Reopen Closed Invoice


9 answers to this question

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If the check did not go through, change the transaction from Approved to Returned. I recommend Returned for bounced checks, as that's effectively what happened. Voiding it as Mike describes will work as well.


Once the transaction is no longer Approved, it will be unapplied from the Invoice automatically, re-opening it.

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Running into this issue again....  I've tried every way to remove the transaction that close the invoice... but it won't move out of closed back into open. Screenshot attached.


How can an invoice with NO transactions attached be closed?


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Running into this issue again....  I've tried every way to remove the transaction that close the invoice... but it won't move out of closed back into open. Screenshot attached.


How can an invoice with NO transactions attached be closed?


That is unusual. Was there a transaction applied that you unapplied? I wonder if it may be some obscure rounding issue. Did you enter 1277.01 for the invoice, or did you use fractions or quantities that may be resulted in a number to the 3rd or 4th decimal?. If it came out to 1277.0111 or something, and the transaction was for 1277.01, it may be possible that it thinks there is a tiny amount applied to the invoice which prevented it from being re-opened. The only way to know for sure is to check the database.

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The invoice should have been re-opened if it had any amount unapplied from it. It looks like the invoice still has a Date Closed, which it should no longer have. If you're familiar with SQL and updating databases, you can simply change the `invoices`.`date_closed` value to NULL for that invoice.


How did you go about unapplying the transaction from the invoice? Can you duplicate this problem, and if so, can you provide the steps you followed to do so? i.e. how much the invoice was for, how you applied the payment to the invoice, then how you unapplied the amount.

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Part of the problem is my bad usage practice...  Here is what I remember doing...


- I created an invoice.

- customer doesn't pay for months.

- I apply credits to zero out the invoice.

- customer gets a copy of the paid $0 invoice.

- to my surprise, I get a check in the mail for the "paid" $0 invoice... for the correct before I applied the credits to zero it out.


so now I'm in a jam... how to I apply the check payment to an invoice already marked paid? 


First, I unapply the zero dollar payment...  and try to all the different transaction status types.


- void

- error.

- returned

- refund


I think all of them...


The only way I can get it out of "closed" is to move the invoice date to the future...    That moves it to "pending".  Nothing I do get's it back to open.


So, who wants to right an automated test for what I did?  I'm sure you could have predicated my usage behavior.  :-)


Anyways, I wanted to report the issue. I upgraded from 3.3.0 to 3.4.2 today in hopes that fixes the issue.  Then I'll try the direct edit to mysql mentioned above if the upgrade doesn't work.


I really appreciate you guys.  I'll report back what happens.

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I don't think the upgrade will solve the issue, as we didn't update anything recently related to this issue.


I tried to duplicate this by unapplying a transaction from a closed invoice, but it did open it again as expected. So I can't think of any reason why that invoice would still have a closed date unless a fatal error occurred at the time you unapplied the transaction. You would have noticed this at the time if you saw a blank page.


Updating the invoice via the database to set a NULL date_closed should resolve it. Then you can apply the actual payment to the invoice to close it again.

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