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Multi-Company Questions



I’m contemplating purchasing an add on license to create a second company. I am the founder of a nonprofit that will be heavily member based so I am looking to utilize the knowledge base as well as the ticketing system. The need for billing will be limited to advertisers and sponsors.


I would like to understand better how the multi company system works… us it completely contained on my original domain? A new install on the 2’nd companies domain? What does the client portal look like or are they separate?

I have read the user manual on the topic & seem to be more confused than before I stared... (Likely because the 80’s were hard on my brain cells)…


Do you have a simple service where I can buy the additional company, give you a login & you do the initial set up & I customize from there? Or anyone else capable interested?

11 answers to this question

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I’m contemplating purchasing an add on license to create a second company. I am the founder of a nonprofit that will be heavily member based so I am looking to utilize the knowledge base as well as the ticketing system. The need for billing will be limited to advertisers and sponsors.


That's possible with Blesta.


I would like to understand better how the multi company system works… us it completely contained on my original domain? A new install on the 2’nd companies domain? What does the client portal look like or are they separate?


It's the same installation but different company if you get me, everything is different to the last one but the files are the same. Meaning you only upgrade once.


They are separate unless you customise the default template, you can copy the folder and use one per company. Find out more here: http://videos.blesta.com/video/65308950


I have read the user manual on the topic & seem to be more confused than before I stared... (Likely because the 80’s were hard on my brain cells)…


If you watch the video above that will help you.


Do you have a simple service where I can buy the additional company, give you a login & you do the initial set up & I customize from there? Or anyone else capable interested?



There isn't anywhere that I know of which does that.

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Thanks for your response. I watched the video and it was hlpful from a visualation stand point.


What I still dont get is the seperate domain thing.


If my install is at ab.com/support and I activate a 2nd company at def.com where is the set up dont so that customers of def.com got to the def.com/support url but the actual system resides at the abc.com domain.


The video did not cover that aspect oher than to say it does it. The dicumentation kinda of tries to explain it but not very well LOL

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Thanks for your response. I watched the video and it was hlpful from a visualation stand point.


What I still dont get is the seperate domain thing.


If my install is at ab.com/support and I activate a 2nd company at def.com where is the set up dont so that customers of def.com got to the def.com/support url but the actual system resides at the abc.com domain.


The video did not cover that aspect oher than to say it does it. The dicumentation kinda of tries to explain it but not very well LOL


You need:


ab.com/support --> /home/username/public_html/support/

abc.com/billing --> /home/username/public_html/support/

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Well I kind of assumed that, or some kind of redirect component, but there is still a LOT of in formation missing. Still zero idea on HOW to make this happen. Any specific server requirements etc.


I just dont want to spend the $$ on something unless I am confident I can set up, and with the information currently available I do not feel confident that I could.

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Well I kind of assumed that, or some kind of redirect component, but there is still a LOT of in formation missing. Still zero idea on HOW to make this happen. Any specific server requirements etc.


I just dont want to spend the $$ on something unless I am confident I can set up, and with the information currently available I do not feel confident that I could.


The easiest way is cPanel.

Addon domain -> Then make a subdomain and point the folder location to the Blesta one. I did that for my two brands before...




CubicWebs: https://web.archive.org/web/20130925091543/http://billing.cubicwebs.com/

Licensecart: https://web.archive.org/web/20140208065937/http://billing.licensecart.com/


The Licensecart is what the CubicWebs had after but I can't find the archive for it. I can't explain it any more than that, it's so simple :D.

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The fog is beginning to lift LOL


Some times Im just dense LOL...


When I am ready to set up maybe I could PM you in more detail to ensure I am doing things correct? Like my actual details etc.



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The fog is beginning to lift LOL


Some times Im just dense LOL...


When I am ready to set up maybe I could PM you in more detail to ensure I am doing things correct? Like my actual details etc.




I can help you on teamviewer if you are using cPanel, bare in mind I'm not the best on that control panel as I prefer InterWorx. But you can't do multi-company on InterWorx yet due to how they do pointer domains.

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When using a different hostname for each company, the hostnames all simply need to point to the same document root.


So, if you have Blesta installed at /home/username/public_html/, then all hostnames for all companies need to point to this server path in your web server configuration. If you're using Apache, then in your httpd.conf, all the virtualhosts would have the same docroot. Please see http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Creating+Companies#CreatingCompanies-ConfiguringCompanyHostnames for a sample configuration.


We highly suggest that if you are going to use multicompany that you install at a sub-domain. For example, billing.domain.com, account.domain.com, my.domain.com, etc. The reason is that you can have an actual website off domain.com as part of a different virtualhost. If you have Blesta installed in a sub-directory, and both domains have the same docroot, then they would also display the same website content.


I hope that helps!

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as always ya'll are great.. It is beginning to make sense to me a little at a time now :-)


My next post I will try to explain my exepectations in greater detail, I believe this will give you a better picture and be able to better assist me.


Thank you again.

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