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Edit/delete Priorities For Support?


6 answers to this question

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This should be a feature request, but since it's a support.


Go to PHPMyAdmin and go to the Blesta database. Find the table: support_tickets then click on structure then edit the priority stuff.


You might need to edit some files as-well to change them from awaiting_reply but yeah there you go.

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This was in the Support Manager Pro plugin all along -- but nobody has ever mentioned it.


In support_managerpro\language\en_us\support_managerpro_tickets.php

// Priorities
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.emergency'] = "Emergency";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.critical'] = "Critical";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.high'] = "High";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.medium'] = "Medium";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.low'] = "Low";

There's 5 priorities that can be changed to 5 common issues. While that's not the ideal solution, it's better than nothing (for now).


I wonder if this plugin can add that function? Hmm...

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This was in the Support Manager Pro plugin all along -- but nobody has ever mentioned it.


In support_managerpro\language\en_us\support_managerpro_tickets.php

// Priorities
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.emergency'] = "Emergency";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.critical'] = "Critical";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.high'] = "High";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.medium'] = "Medium";
$lang['SupportManagerproTickets.priority.low'] = "Low";

There's 5 priorities that can be changed to 5 common issues. While that's not the ideal solution, it's better than nothing (for now).


I wonder if this plugin can add that function? Hmm...


If you want to edit the languages file only yes you can.


In /plugins/support_manager/language/en_us/support_manager_tickets.php and search // Priorities you will see the same thing.

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