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Pending Services Getting Approved Without Me Doing Anything



I process all my pending orders/services manually, but I am having an issue that if I select any pending service, sometimes ALL of them are then set to active, even though I didn't do anything. This is a totally random occurence, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't.

this is a major problem as it means I then have no idea which one's were pending and need processing, so I then have to go through them and work it out, PITA.


How can I fix this so that pending services do not get their status changed unless I actually change it.


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Pending services are activated if paid. The default flow for a new order is "In Review" > "Pending" > "Active".


Approved orders go from "In Review" to "Pending" when they are approved. If you check the "Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders" for your order form, then orders will only be activated if you approve them. When you approve them, they go from "In Review" to "Pending". Once in Pending, the system will activate them automatically if they are paid.

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I assume they are set to manual as per the advice I was given here to do that (by you two in fact), and the fact that nothing new gets activated and everything says pending whenever I login.


whether or not they have a paid invoice depends on if a payment has been made or not. If user completes the order process, then there is a paid invoice. If they do not complete then there is an unpaid invoice.

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Here's a breakdown of the flow for manual service approval:

  1. Under [Packages] -> [Order Forms], every order form should have the option checked for "Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders".
  2. When a user places an order, whether they pay for the service or not, the order is "In Review", and no action is taken to provision the services ordered.
  3. To manually approve an order, you mark it as "Accepted" in the Order widget under [billing] -> [Overview]. The status then changes from "In Review" to "Pending".
  4. When the invoice for the order has been paid, if not already, it will be activated. The status will then change from "Pending" to "Active".

It's important to note the subtle difference between "Pending" and "In Review" statuses. A pending service can be activated automatically once paid while one in review cannot.


If this is not how orders are working for you, then there is something amiss, and we'd need to know more about your settings, and version of Blesta, to help diagnose the issue.

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The checkbox next to "Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders" is checked, and has been since I was originally given this advise.
It was working fine for a while.



Installed Version is 3.2.1

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ok I have tried upgrading as per the instructions here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta

it says "Upload the contents of the blesta directory to your server where you installed Blesta overwriting your existing files and point your web browser to ~/admin/upgrade"

That URL does not work, I just get a 404.


the usual URL I access the admin with is



so I go to



and I get this error below. So how do I do the upgrade ?


SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'inherit' in 'where clause' on line 124 in D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\lib\model.php 

Printing Stack Trace:
#0 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\lib\model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array)
#1 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\components\record\record.php(655): Model->query('SELECT * FROM (...', Array)
#2 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\app\models\companies.php(546): Record->fetch()
#3 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\app\app_controller.php(0): Companies->getSetting()
#4 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\app\app_controller.php(0): AppController->primeCompany()
#5 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\plugins\cms\cms_controller.php(14): AppController->preAction()
#6 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\plugins\cms\controllers\main.php(17): CmsController->preAction()
#7 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\lib\dispatcher.php(102): Main->preAction()
#8 D:\HostingSpaces\russmichaels\cfmldeveloper.com\wwwroot\billing\index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/billing/index....')

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I simply follow the instructions here http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta


If these  downloads and have missing files as you say, then how would I know this and where do I find the correct downloads or missing files ?


It's what happens when you upload the files or extract them. In InterWorx I've had it where it didn't overwrite. When I was helping a client on her cPanel, a warning poped up causing me to have to remove the 3.2 files out of the folder and save the config. Then move the files from 3.4 and replace the config for it to upgrade.

If you uploading by FTP you could have the issue of a time out or anything. that's why I use SSH to ensure I can force the overwriting.

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I am not using FTP, I am doing it directly on the server, extracting all the files from the ZIP into the folder.

I have also tried extracting them to another folder and then copying them over.

I am not getting any errors, all the files are copying.

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I am not using FTP, I am doing it directly on the server, extracting all the files from the ZIP into the folder.

I have also tried extracting them to another folder and then copying them over.

I am not getting any errors, all the files are copying.


on the server do you mean SSH or something else?



\cp -rf ./blesta/* ./
\cp -rf ./hotfix-php5.5/blesta/app* ./app/
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here are the steps of how it is done

  1.  remote desktop into the server
  2. right click on zip and choose extract all files
  3. select blesta folder as the destination
  4. files are extracted to the specified location
  5. you are prompted if you want to overwrite existing files
  6. you choose yes, and the process completes



  1. open zip file
  2. select all contents
  3. press CTRL C
  4. open blesta folder
  5. CTRL V
  6. files are extracted to the specified location
  7. you are prompted if you want to overwrite existing files
  8. you choose yes, and the process completes

There are no errors and files fail to copy.


The commands you have suggested looks like Linux commands, so I would not be able to do that as this is a Windows server.

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ok I finally got the upgrade done, but this has not solved original issue.

I still have the same problem, all the pending services are getting automatically set to active whenever I view any of them.

This obviously makes it very hard to process orders when they keep vanishing.

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have you service free, or if your customer have money in credit, because if your parameters say activate product when paid, that mean they will be auto-paid and next auto-activated.


in admin area see: /settings/company/billing/invoices/  &


- Enable Auto Debit


- Automatically Provision Paid Pending Services

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there is no credit, these are all new signups, and it is set to manual processing as per previous instructions.

And even if it wasn't, then surely activation  would b e happening automatically at the time of ordering, why would it wait until I view a service (simply clicking the service ID  link, taking no action taken whatsoever), and then set all other services for all other users/orders to get marked as active.

That just doesn't make any logical sense to me ?

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I think this is the same over and over problem that i always said to blesta to activate and show on filters by default :)

Go to Billing->Overview->Manage Widgets

Then activate the widget "Order System" and you will be able to see and approve all orders that sre manually verified :)

This is a problem that me and several outhers blesta members alredy talked to Paul, Tyson and Cody to fix it because dosent make sense be disable the widget or even dont show any wsy on client and admin client profile all orders.

Hope this time they will add this enable by default on next release :)

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Hi Paulo,


this widget is already enabled.

I can already see all orders that are to be manually approved.

The issue as I have explained is that if I simply "LOOK AT" any pending service, then all the pending services get set to active, even though I did not touch them.

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Which link/page are you visiting for the service when you say 'looking at it' causes the pending service to be made active?


Are you familiar with browser developer tools? If so, you can check the network requests to see if an additional POST request is made unexpectedly, which might activate the service. But Blesta does not do this automatically when simplying viewing a service.

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I go to billing-> services -> pending

click on the service, I do not make any changes at all, I am simply looking at it to get the details so I can provision manually in my CP

I then go back to billing-> services -> pending

and everything has vanished, as they have all been set to active. Not just the one I was looking at, but *ALL* of the pending services.

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I go to billing-> services -> pending

click on the service, I do not make any changes at all, I am simply looking at it to get the details so I can provision manually in my CP

I then go back to billing-> services -> pending

and everything has vanished, as they have all been set to active. Not just the one I was looking at, but *ALL* of the pending services.


Never ever ever had that and I click them to view the maxmind report and then click them again to tick the box and click accept.


Are you using CloudFlare?

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no I do not use CloudFlare.


it happened again today, this time there was a considerable delay until I happened. I was sitting on the services page for some time, then went into the service, and it had been set active.

Is there maybe some sort of cronjob that kicks off as a result of me logging into blesta or looking at this page ?

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