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Tell me please, how can I add RUB currency (Russian Rubbles) in PayPal standart gateway (non-merchant)? I added this in system currencies and all is ok, but in PayPal gateway I can't see this currency. Before Blesta I used W***S and my clients could pay me via paypal in RUB and all was ok, so I know that PayPal works fine in RUB currency.

Help me please, how can I add RUB in paypal gateway? 

8 answers to this question

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if you add currency that is not supported by paypal it will give you a error in the checkout , you can test it .

the solution is a custom paypal gateway .

near i will share this gateway .


You don't need a custom gateway for that mate, the host knows via PayPal what's accepted....

  • 0

You don't need a custom gateway for that mate, the host knows via PayPal what's accepted....

the accepted currencies in paypal are :

•Dollar canadien


•Livre Britannique

•Dollar USD

•Yen Japonais

•Dollar Australien

•Dollar Néo-zélandais

•Franc Suisse

•Dollar de Hong-Kong

•Dollar de Singapour

•Couronnes suédoises

•Couronnes danoises

•Zloty polonais

•Couronnes norvégiennes

•Forints Hongrois

•Couronnes tchèques

•Nouveau Shekel Israélien

•Peso mexicain

•Réal brésilien (uniquement pour les utilisateurs inscrits au Brésil)

•Ringgit malaisien (uniquement pour les utilisateurs inscrits en Malaisie)

•Peso Philippin

•Nouveau dollar de Taïwan

•Bahts thaïlandais

•Livre turque (uniquement pour les utilisateurs inscrits en Turquie)

•Rouble Russe

if you put currnecy that is not supported it will return a error in the checkout .

  • 0

Technically, PayPal accepts:



According to the currencies we can accept.

  • 0

If PayPal supports additional currencies beyond that which the gateway currently claims to support, please open a feature request and include a source reference to the most up-to-date list of currencies.

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