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Hello Blestars :)


Im back again :P (so many work in this last 3 months that I didnt have time to update and talk to you guys :P )


Cool 3.4 Now! :)


Its to bad that is still not included the new "Domain Managment"  :(


I have build a temporary solution, but dont have time to update all registrar modules to implement, also has to mess with one ore 2 core files, and I hate that :)


So, ++++++1 for Domain Managment on next release


I Think its a major priority the Domain Managment, higher than any outher extra like Mass Mail, Affiliate etc..


How can we sell Domains correctly, and manage them in full with "Mass Mail Plugin" or "Affiliate Plugin" ?


Just my 2 cents:P


Keepup the good work Paul/Tyson/Cody :)


Hey, welcome back PauloV!


The domain manager is indeed very important, but it also takes 20x more time to build than a mass mailer plugin.


Yes, is true it need more time , but is true also it would be 1 more reason to move from other software to blesta for others .

The Domains Manager should be 2nd best because 1. You can sell domains now, 2. as Paul said it takes longer to do.

1- if you sell domain in the wrong way is not good .

2- the time tooked in the dev now will be a win in the future releases .


Overall love the direction in which Blesta is going! Can't wait to see what 3.5 and future version will bring to the table :)


P.S. I'm defiantly in support for an affiliate system, but mass email would be nice first


Overall love the direction in which Blesta is going! Can't wait to see what 3.5 and future version will bring to the table :)


P.S. I'm defiantly in support for an affiliate system, but mass email would be nice first


Welcome and thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it!

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