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Blesta Loading Unexistent Whm Packages






I am new here, but wish to hang around for long.


I just installed Blesta for the first time, after checking every option/setting, i finally decided to create a new package on blesta, (i did previously installed cPanel module and added a server group and a server, no errors shown and server is active), unfortunately i am facing a problem, when i try to select the cPanel package i want to connect to this Blesta Package, Blesta loads cPanel packages that i never created, 4 packages to be exact.


So to sum it up.

I created 3 packages in WHM

Blesta is loading 4 packages that dont exist in my WHM and non of the pckages that exist.



Anyone ever faced similar problem?



Any help is appreciated.



Best Regards,


19 answers to this question

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Best to contact your host to ensure  you have been given the correct reseller permissions.


What exactly should i ask them? because i did inquire them and then said for me to ask Blesta....

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On that topic it see not able to add the server? or did i understood wrong?

Because i am able to add the server.


Not sure you could try it as you need what Tyson mentioned lib packages or something I don't use cPanel anymore :P and not got a client who I can test stuff on.

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i have tested , i can't reproduce the issue .

tested with 4 resellers account in 4 servers .

can you just make a small php file and include the cpanel library and call the package funtion to see if you get the same result . because this is a strange issue .

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I will do a complete new installation tomorrow and get back to you guys.

Is there any advantage of using php5.5 (and apply to necessary patch to blesta) ??


If you are using PHP5.5 you need to apply the hotfix everytime you upgrade. Unless it's not included in the patch.

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New Install, from fresh, same issue going on :(



If you are using PHP5.5 you need to apply the hotfix everytime you upgrade. Unless it's not included in the patch.


I am not using PHP5.5, was thinking on using it, but, first i will focus on getting blesta working. One that is done, then i can consider to start using PHP5.5 and apply the patch to Blesta.



i have tested , i can't reproduce the issue .

tested with 4 resellers account in 4 servers .

can you just make a small php file and include the cpanel library and call the package funtion to see if you get the same result . because this is a strange issue .



You don't happen to be able to get that file for me? :P

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Suppose you could try this: http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/create-cpanel-whm-account.php  fill in the information, use the package you have and see if it makes the account.


Here is the result :(


Account Creation Status: failed

Sorry, unable to use package joomlage_wantageek. Verify that the package exists and that you have not exceeded your reseller restrictions.



The package exists... i would not be exceeding my reseller plan limits and i used the use/pwd sucessfully drectly on WHM panel... so.. what exactly could this mean...

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Here is the result :(


Account Creation Status: failed

Sorry, unable to use package joomlage_wantageek. Verify that the package exists and that you have not exceeded your reseller restrictions.



The package exists... i would not be exceeding my reseller plan limits and i used the use/pwd sucessfully drectly on WHM panel... so.. what exactly could this mean...


It means your host has mucked up and not Blesta :D haha so I recommend moving to a new reseller or have a VPS so you control it all.

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It means your host has mucked up and not Blesta :D haha so I recommend moving to a new reseller or have a VPS so you control it all.


Well, contacted the web hosting once again, they once again told me to contact Blesta, but, i asked them (as in the support agent) to read this forum, voila, he did and after quite everything was fixed.

I did ask to be told what happened, all they said was for me not to worry. Well, i didn't insist much, i was tired after almost 24h working and happy the issue was finally solved.

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Well, contacted the web hosting once again, they once again told me to contact Blesta, but, i asked them (as in the support agent) to read this forum, voila, he did and after quite everything was fixed.

I did ask to be told what happened, all they said was for me not to worry. Well, i didn't insist much, i was tired after almost 24h working and happy the issue was finally solved.


Great news, hope you can enjoy Blesta now :D

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Well, contacted the web hosting once again, they once again told me to contact Blesta, but, i asked them (as in the support agent) to read this forum, voila, he did and after quite everything was fixed.

I did ask to be told what happened, all they said was for me not to worry. Well, i didn't insist much, i was tired after almost 24h working and happy the issue was finally solved.


Great, glad to hear it is working! Sounds like some permission issues for the reseller user may have been out of whack.

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