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The val


You don't need to put in any directory, just double check the value can be overriden by code.

If your using nginx instead of Apache, check your php-fpm.conf.



Just so you know,  the value is NOT there in CentOS 6.5  installing with remi repositories,  is not there either if you install nginx from EPEL,  it's simply not there,  not the include_path nor the admin value.


I had to manually add the value as stated in the previous post,  why this bug was driving me nuts !


Anyone using a clean CentoOS installation with nginx will experience this same issue.


Adding it to php-fpm.conf didn't work,  it needed to be added to /etc/php.ini

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Maybe Blesta should run the server for you? bake a cake? Blesta isn't a genius sadly.


I don't mean to be rude with my problem, I already know how to manage a server, this never happened to me before, probably because the value was already set and the new packages simply removed the value and set the admin value by default.


I'm just saying this is not easy to find and probably the installler could be more specific to this problem since it WILL show it's ugly face on any VPS installation with CentOS, and I did try like 10 combinations already.

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Thanks for your help on this @Max, glad this has been resolved. I have mentioned this in the documentation at http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-Errors as well. If you have any comments/suggestions on how this can be worded better, please let me know.


As mentioned in the other thread, I'm not entirely convinced php.ini is the file that has the real problem, as it does not matter whether or not I have an include_path line in php.ini on my own systems.



Normally the problem is that people have a setting in their webserver configuration file (not php.ini) instead that sets an include_path using a command that disallows overriding the value with set_include_path() later on.

That is not a nginx specific problem.

E.g. when using Apache mod_php, the bad configuration line could be in httpd.conf or in some related file that defines the <VirtualHost> and look like:

php_admin_value include_path "/some/dir"

Or when using a webserver that uses FastCGI/php-fpm, it would be in php-fpm.conf (or any of the files it includes in /etc/php-fpm.d), and look like:

php_admin_value[include_path] = /some/dir

Those should be replaced with respectively:

php_value include_path "/some/dir"


php_value[include_path] = /some/dir

Which is the flavour of the command that does allow overriding.


That is if there is actually a need to have the include_path, e.g. if you are sharing an installed PHP library with multiple websites hosted on the server.

If you are not, just remove the lines...

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