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Logged In Client Can't Change Currency For Items In Order

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in the order page . the client is logged . the currency selection show the available currencies for the order form .


when the client want to change the selected currency to another one than is set in thier profile , the order form return the same currency he have in thier profile .


the client not logged can change it like a charm .


so we have here two situation .



not logged , can set any currency available and login then he pay with the currency .

when logged , he forced to use just the currency set in thier profile .


i have not tested the standard template order , is just the ajax template .


any other can confirm this ?



i have identified the probleme


// Currency can only be changed if cart is empty


Yes, clients can't add services using multiple currencies to the cart. Currency calculations operate on one currency, so they have to clear their cart or add a separate order to purchase services in a different currency.

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