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Hi Blesta mates,


I am now  developing a blesta module to register and transfer domain with the help of synergy api. I am using namecheap module code as a reference.


I couldn't set up the namecheap module in my blesta. Can any body send  screen shots of domain name registeration steps with namecheap module as a customer?


http://screencast.com/t/w1lkxv5u this is a video posted by mike from license cart,  and was a good help. But that video has just check availability part. What all are the steps after that?


Can someone record video or send screen shot of steps so that i can do same for synergy. Hope i will get help from some one quickly. Thanks in advance.

6 answers to this question

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The only bits I missed there mate is:


1. Adding the account for the API (because namecheap refused to give me access until I paid them money haha.)

That's after adding the module click on Add account on the right, fill in the form and save.


2. Package > Groups > Add a group > Called it domains.


3. Add a order form called domain-name Type: Domains and other, dropdown box: domains (Group above) and then saving the order form.

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Hi Blesta Mates,

I already did those three steps, and i got domian availability check page in front end. After domain availability check i got a page with a order button in it. Screen shot of both of those pages are atatched with this  Can anybody show me screen shot of other pages that will come after this order page?



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After a domain is selected, the order form asks the user to fill out options set by the module related to the domain (e.g. nameservers). Then it moves on to selecting a package (if set), and continues just like any other order form of the same template. How does the order process influence your module? It shouldn't, as the order process is module-independent.


The screenshots you posted illustrate the steps.

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