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I have Service Options URL Notices for Add, Suspend, and Unsuspend working.  


When the Renew job runs it is updating the services renewal date, but there is nothing in the Modules log and the target URL is not receiving a POST.


We'd need more details as described in How to Report a Bug.


I assume you're referring to the Universal Module and the cron renewing services, correct?


There are two separate tasks that handle when a service renews versus when the service renew date updates. It may be that the service is not renewing because the cron task is not enabled, or the service is not ready to renew yet. If the invoice containing that service is unpaid, for example, the service would not renew.


1.Describe the issue you're experiencing.


When the cron job runs it updates the renewal date for the Service but does not POST to the URL in the Notice section for Renew.


This is a dev environment. There are 16 services set to a term of 1 day so they all renew every day.  The "Date Renews" field is updating correctly in the Billing/Services view(screen shot) The invoices are auto debit so they are flagged as paid.


There is no entry in the Log for Universal Module to show it posted to the URL.  There are log entries when it adds a service or suspends a service.



2. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue.

Enter a URL to post to in the Renew section of the Service Options of the Universal Module.  Set up services to have a term of 1 day and create an account to purchase the service with an autodebit .  Allow  cron to run for a couple days and renew the service.



3. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.)

No errors found as it is the lack of an event firing.



4.Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login".

No errors found.  Nothing is posted to the URL for the api at the other end to process. 


5.Attach screenshots.



6. Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL.

Blesta 3.3.0 patched to 3.3.1.  Universal Module version 1.2.0.  

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