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Customers Very Confused By Invoice Emails





Is there a way to include the full total that client owes in their invoice emails and/or reminder notices and allow them to pay their full balance all at once?


My clients have been consistently paying for one invoice only, even when they have 2 or 3 outstanding. They then get annoyed by the reminder emails because they think they already paid. Is there a way to make this process smoother and easier for them? Maybe add an option for them to pay all of their outstanding bills when they click the 'Pay now' link? 


Curious how other people handle this. Some of my older clients are low tech, regularly pay late, and get confused if the process of paying their bill isn't seamless. This did not happen when I was using WHMCS, but I can't remember what was different.




3 answers to this question

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I was hoping there was already a way, but glad it is already a feature request. Thanks.


Curious if the answer to this was ever discovered:


I'm not sure if you specifying the currency as a variable would work, but if so, it would be a better solution:


{% for invoice in invoices %}
Invoice #: {invoice.id_code}
Previous amount due: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency}
Amount due on this invoice: {invoice.due | currency_format invoice.currency}
{% endfor %}
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I was hoping there was already a way, but glad it is already a feature request. Thanks.


Curious if the answer to this was ever discovered:

{% for invoice in invoices %}
Invoice #: {invoice.id_code}
Previous amount due: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency}
Amount due on this invoice: {invoice.due | currency_format invoice.currency}
{% endfor %}


Yes, currency as a variable will work as you described.

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