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Paypal Payments Standard Ipn Not Working



Hello guys


I did hundreads of test on the IPN issue, I filled IPN field in Paypal with:





And yet when I do a IPN test on 





the return is this in the logs:


a:38:{s:17:"residence_country";s:2:"US";s:7:"invoice";s:7:"abc1234";s:12:"address_city";s:8:"San Jose";s:10:"first_name";s:4:"Alex";s:8:"payer_id";s:13:"TESTBUYERID01";s:6:"mc_fee";s:4:"0.44";s:6:"txn_id";s:9:"949042363";s:14:"receiver_email";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:6:"custom";s:6:"xyz123";s:12:"payment_date";s:24:"01:35:51 21 Oct 2014 PDT";s:20:"address_country_code";s:2:"US";s:11:"address_zip";s:5:"95131";s:10:"item_name1";s:9:"something";s:11:"mc_handling";s:4:"2.06";s:12:"mc_handling1";s:4:"1.67";s:3:"tax";s:4:"2.02";s:12:"address_name";s:10:"John Smith";s:9:"last_name";s:7:"Vojacek";s:11:"receiver_id";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:11:"verify_sign";s:56:"AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31Ad-U1dDcU1zEP0lzEX9uR9Bk66ee";s:15:"address_country";s:13:"United States";s:14:"payment_status";s:9:"Processed";s:14:"address_status";s:9:"confirmed";s:8:"business";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:11:"payer_email";s:23:"buyer@paypalsandbox.com";s:14:"notify_version";s:3:"2.4";s:8:"txn_type";s:4:"cart";s:8:"test_ipn";s:1:"1";s:12:"payer_status";s:8:"verified";s:11:"mc_currency";s:3:"USD";s:8:"mc_gross";s:5:"15.34";s:11:"mc_shipping";s:4:"3.02";s:12:"mc_shipping1";s:4:"1.02";s:12:"item_number1";s:7:"AK-1234";s:13:"address_state";s:2:"CA";s:9:"mc_gross1";s:5:"12.34";s:12:"payment_type";s:7:"instant";s:14:"address_street";s:15:"123, any street";}
a:39:{s:3:"cmd";s:16:"_notify-validate";s:17:"residence_country";s:2:"US";s:7:"invoice";s:7:"abc1234";s:12:"address_city";s:8:"San Jose";s:10:"first_name";s:4:"Alex";s:8:"payer_id";s:13:"TESTBUYERID01";s:6:"mc_fee";s:4:"0.44";s:6:"txn_id";s:9:"949042363";s:14:"receiver_email";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:6:"custom";s:6:"xyz123";s:12:"payment_date";s:24:"01:35:51 21 Oct 2014 PDT";s:20:"address_country_code";s:2:"US";s:11:"address_zip";s:5:"95131";s:10:"item_name1";s:9:"something";s:11:"mc_handling";s:4:"2.06";s:12:"mc_handling1";s:4:"1.67";s:3:"tax";s:4:"2.02";s:12:"address_name";s:10:"John Smith";s:9:"last_name";s:7:"Vojacek";s:11:"receiver_id";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:11:"verify_sign";s:56:"AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31Ad-U1dDcU1zEP0lzEX9uR9Bk66ee";s:15:"address_country";s:13:"United States";s:14:"payment_status";s:9:"Processed";s:14:"address_status";s:9:"confirmed";s:8:"business";s:24:"seller@paypalsandbox.com";s:11:"payer_email";s:23:"buyer@paypalsandbox.com";s:14:"notify_version";s:3:"2.4";s:8:"txn_type";s:4:"cart";s:8:"test_ipn";s:1:"1";s:12:"payer_status";s:8:"verified";s:11:"mc_currency";s:3:"USD";s:8:"mc_gross";s:5:"15.34";s:11:"mc_shipping";s:4:"3.02";s:12:"mc_shipping1";s:4:"1.02";s:12:"item_number1";s:7:"AK-1234";s:13:"address_state";s:2:"CA";s:9:"mc_gross1";s:5:"12.34";s:12:"payment_type";s:7:"instant";s:14:"address_street";s:15:"123, any street";}
<TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
<H1>Access Denied</H1>
You don't have permission to access "http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" on this server.<P>
Reference #18.88b59fb1.1413880694.a74a312
And my payments are done but they are not checked on blesta.
I double checked nginx configuration i'm using the recomended blesta 3.0 config that was posted earlier on this forums and on the web.
I'm using a standard VPS with Centos 6.5 and remi nginx pack with php 5.4
Everything else seems to be working just fine.
Any ideas on what may be wrong?


10 answers to this question

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Ok, this is driving me nutz.


I redid the whole VPS  and used Apache instead, tried apache 2.2 and apache 2.4 same thing, same error, my friend moved blesta to our interworx installation and now it's working, i want to find out WHY it's not working on my webserver, i did EVERYTHING by the rules.


Can anyone profficient enough with blesta point me in the right direction?




This guy found out that if paypal does not recive a header with at lease a User-Agent: something it wont work,  i forced the header on nginx and apache to no avail...

  • 0

Ok, this is driving me nutz.


I redid the whole VPS  and used Apache instead, tried apache 2.2 and apache 2.4 same thing, same error, my friend moved blesta to our interworx installation and now it's working, i want to find out WHY it's not working on my webserver, i did EVERYTHING by the rules.


Can anyone profficient enough with blesta point me in the right direction?




This guy found out that if paypal does not recive a header with at lease a User-Agent: something it wont work,  i forced the header on nginx and apache to no avail...


I've never tried the PayPal when I used no control panel to install Blesta but everything worked on:

Centos 7

PHP 5.4


Apache 2.4



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maybe in your paypal account, fill the return url.


by the way only ipn url automaticaly given by api call will be used in place of what you filled above, but maybe you need to fill it at paypal for like enable it on their side.


I'm did that way & selling from 2 websites, it's alway ipn url from api call that is used, so it's return or notify or customer back to the good website

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