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Unable To Edit Solusvm Settings





Since updating to the latest version, If I go to edit a package I am unable to change any module settings under SolusVM, the fields to do so below the Module selector do not show.


The extra options show when creating a new package, but not when editing an old package.


I have attached an image.





9 answers to this question

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This is the main problem Blesta. You have 6000 clients , upgrade - and do not know what will happen. I'm using version 3.2.2 and do not plan to change. I always say it's a business there is no place that something did not work.

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The SolusVM module hasn't changed since v3.2.1.


If your SolusVM fields do not load for an old package, it may be that that old package is no longer referencing a valid module row (server). i.e.  if you updated the service's package to change the "SolusVM Master Server" to something different, or that server is no longer valid.


There could also be a separate error being generated that is causing the fields to not load. You could take a look at the web server logs for more information on any errors. Or you can enable error reporting in Blesta, and if you're familiar with developer tools in your web browser, you can check the AJAX requests on that page to view the response for when those fields were requested, which likely contains more information on the error.


To enable error reporting, which will allow errors to appear in the interface, you can update /config/blesta.php and change




...and change it back when you're done.

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I am getting the attached error using the Developer Tool's, obviously the admin folder does not exists in the root due to using redirect's/includes.


Where do I need to check permission wise to fix this error within the Blesta folder structure.





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Where do I need to check permission wise to fix this error within the Blesta folder structure.


Hi Ashley,


Which page (URL) in Blesta were you looking at when you received those 403 responses as shown in the screenshot?


Typically, a 403 Forbidden response is caused by either

  1. Not being logged into Blesta to view a particular resource
  2. Not having authorized access to a particular resource

I assume you're logged in, so if it is #2, then you should check your Staff Group permissions. You can find these under [settings] -> [system] -> [staff] -> [staff Groups] -> (edit). When you edit the staff group you're in, be sure to check that the checkboxes under the Packages section are checked. You can re-save the settings to confirm. If you still experience the same issue, you can try enabling all of the staff group permissions, and check again to see if you still receive that 403 error. And if so, let me know what page you were looking at, and I'll see if anything else may be causing it.



I am getting the attached error using the Developer Tool's, obviously the admin folder does not exists in the root due to using redirect's/includes.


The "/billing/admin/packages/moduleoptions/" URL is valid in Blesta if you have Blesta installed under a /billing/ directory. Unless you made changes to the routes for Blesta in the config file (/config/routes.php), or made custom modifications to the .htaccess, I don't think this would be related to the problem.

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This was on the 


/billing/admin/packages/edit/*/ page


I am logged in, the user I am logged in as has all the correct privileges as stated above, and as stated in the OP if I create a new Product I can see the SolusVM settings, however straight away the Product is saved and I go back in to edit the settings no longer show, which leads me more to an error somewhere than an actual permission issue.




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Have you made any custom code changes to Blesta that might affect this? Or other changes, perhaps, to restrict access to certain routes? Do you experience the same issue using a different web browser?


Since you mentioned you have all of the correct privileges, it may not be Blesta that is generating the 403 Forbidden error. Have you checked your web server logs for more details? Do you have mod_security enabled, with a rule configured that could be causing the web server to deny access to that URL?

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I've moved the site to another server, Ive copied a completely fresh set of files.


However still getting the same error, also noticed some other functions like Adding a Service to a client errors with 500 Internal Server Error


I have checked the error log, and can see every time it fails to load SolusVM or Add a service :  


"File does not exists : /home/****/public_html/post.php, referer http://www.****.co.uk/post.php?post=1"


My Blesta install is in /home/****/public_html/billing


Everything else work's fine just seems to be a couple of random/important features, all error with the above error left in web server error_log




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"File does not exists : /home/****/public_html/post.php, referer http://www.****.co.uk/post.php?post=1"


My Blesta install is in /home/****/public_html/billing


That error appears to be unrelated to Blesta and the SolusVM module. It sounds like maybe some non-Blesta files were lost when you migrated to another server. I'd expect more info should be available in the server logs regarding the 500 error, but that is typically caused by a server misconfiguration of some kind.


Since you still receive the 403 error when editing a package versus adding one, I think this is an issue with mod_security on the server. A mod_security rule may be defined that ends up blocking access to module options when editing a package in Blesta. If you have mod_security enabled, try disabling it to check whether module options load when editing a package. If so, then some mod_security rule is causing the issue.

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