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Change Text Header On Add Payment Account Page?



With regards to the Add Payment Account page, as below:




See the header above "First Name"? Wouldn't it make more sense for that to say "Billing Information" rather than "Contact Information"?


Anyway to change that without editing the core files? Didn't seem like I could via the templates, so I'm guessing no. :(

4 answers to this question

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I don't believe so, billing is for bills, contact information is for anything to get in contact with you.


You can use the CSS / Admin one and find the class if there is one, and then display:none, and then make a html one and add your new one in. But I'm not sure or you could just change the language file and then replace it when it you update.

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I don't believe so, billing is for bills, contact information is for anything to get in contact with you.


You can use the CSS / Admin one and find the class if there is one, and then display:none, and then make a html one and add your new one in. But I'm not sure or you could just change the language file and then replace it when it you update.


But this is for bills haha....... it's adding a new payment account, not a contact type.

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The template that displays that information is used in several places. I think it makes sense that it displays "Contact Information" since the field above it asks whether you want to "Copy Contact Information From" another contact anyway. But if you want to change it, you can update the language definition in the client_contacts file to update it in every location.

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The template that displays that information is used in several places. I think it makes sense that it displays "Contact Information" since the field above it asks whether you want to "Copy Contact Information From" another contact anyway. But if you want to change it, you can update the language definition in the client_contacts file to update it in every location.


Yeah, I thought of updating the language file but I thought it would change it in every location as you said. Only really wanted it changed when needed such as when the user has to enter billing info.


I know it copies the info from a "contact type" - but the info they have to enter below is for billing, so IMHO it would make more sense to be called billing information.

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